. . . and that is a good thing.
The Wire, on HBO, is the best show on television. period. end of discussion.
I have been saying this for four years now, mostly to closed ears from my friends. Hypnotized by the marketing lure of The Sopranos and Sex in the City, most of my friends will do anything rather than watch the troubled story lines of the drug plagued inner city Balitmore projects and the cops that try in vain to win the war on drugs.
And that is a shame.
Because they are missing some of the gutsiest and well-crafted drama I have ever witnessed, on television or film. A show with characters so real and well developed that you become invested in them and consumed in their story. They stay with your for days and weeks afterward. I don’t want to be a spoier and give it away. It isn’t that kind of show. It sneaks up on you. Written by a former Baltimore Cop and former Balitmore school teacher as well as the author of the non fiction bestseller “Homicide: Life on the Streets,” The Wire bring a depth of reality to HBO serial television that is unlike anything you have ever seen before.
Last night was the season finale of Season Four, focusing on the school system, inner city economics and plight of corner kids and stoop kids and the decisions that many on urban housing projects have to make each day.
I suggest that if you don’t have HBO, get it. If you don’t have cable On Demand, get it. Rent the first three seasons on Netflix and then jump into Season Four, availabe On Demand through December or mid January.
You won’t regret a single hour of the best show on television.
Recently HBO decided to grant The Wire a fifth season. My stop watch is ticking to ensure I don’t miss an episode.
A review of Season Four from The Washington Post