Friday Fives

1. What’s the best “secret sauce”?
Filtered water and fresh roasted and fresh ground coffee beans can take your morning java ritual from a “5” up to a “10” and save money along the way.

2. The last meal you had is what you’re going to eat for the rest of your life, what is it?
A veggie burrito from Viva burrito. I could live with this as my only staple. yummy.

3. What are some unforgivable sacrileges regular people do all the time when cooking?
Cook with the wrong pan on too high of heat. Slow down and use the right sized pan. (Before my vegetarian days, I also would point to cooking beef/chicken in the microwave – a great way to make rubber.)

4. What is the most disturbing thing you’ve ever witnessed in a kitchen/restaurant?
Two words – “Teddy T’s” There is no way that kitchen is even close to clean – that place was/is an ashtray.

5. What’s the best thing you know how to do with cheese?
Welsh Rarebit. A very ancient recipe of a beer and sharp cheese sauce poured over toast points. It comes together slowly and the white sauce that your are making needs to stay together but when it all comes together, delicious.