Friday Fives

1. What is your most prized material possession?
I think its my Bose stereo. I love the sound, I love the convenience. I have never given this much thought until now.

2. What item, that you currently own, have you had the longest?
I have a few books that I have owned since high school days. There are some knick knacks that I have had around all my life. BUt saying that, I can’t quite put my finger on them exactly. Probably this childhood picture of me when I was four. That is the oldest personal belonging I think.

3. Are you a packrat?
Yes, I am. I have way too much stuff and dread throwing anything away.

4. Do you prefer a spic-and-span clean house? Or is some clutter necessary to avoid the appearance of a museum?
Do you even know me? Clutter is unfortunately part of my inate gene pool. I know no other way.

5. Do the rooms in your house have a theme? Or is it a mixture of knick-knacks here and there?
See above. Lots of knick knacks and a thematic mixture.

Friday Fives

Random mix:

1. Write the most boring sentence ever.
When approaching a stop light, begin to depress the brake pedal slowly, and depressing the clutch in a manner that allows you to shift the gear box into a lower gear – whereby the car will come to a timely halt at the intersection, allowing the driver to assess the proper traffic sequence and determine whether it is safe to continue through the intersection, or instead, await for safe passage as other cars motor through.

2. If you life were a “Law and Order” episode, who would play who in the cast?
It would be Lenny, that is a given, what with the wisecracks and all. Ed would have to be my crime fighting partner. Julz, the Lt. But who will be the victim. Dohhhm, Dohhhhm.

3. In 50 words or less, describe your childhood.
Idyllic bliss in a nieve village full of coal and cold. 1970s, small town, black and white television and snow. So much snow.

4. What is/are your (non-sexual) turn on(s)?
Raspberries. Oh my do I delight at Raspberries.

5. In six degrees, what famous person are you related to?
No one living that I know of. I am told by familiy lore that we are related to Brigham Young and Butch Cassidy.

Friday Fives

1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
In High School, I had visions of becoming a director or some sort of behind the scenes job in theater. When I returned to college after the army, I intended on becoming a teacher.

2. Did you follow through? If not, what happened?
Neither happened, but I don’t know why, really. Various circumstances, of which some made sense and others didn’t. I am now just a a corporate middle manager – making a decent wage but not necessarily living the dream.

3. Is your life turning out the way you thought it would when you were a kid?If not, is it better or worse?
I am happy living in the city and surrounded by tons of friends and family. I never had the dream to be married with 2.5 kids and living in in a little house surrounded by a white picket fence. Mostly, I am happy.

4. Paradoxes aside, if you could time-travel back to when you were 10 years old, what would you tell your 10-year-old self
Go to law school. Pay more attention when the pretty girls flirt with you.

5. Do you think the child you were, would like the adult you’ve become?
Since I am not necessarily that mature, I think my child self would fine me lots of fun.

The Friday Fives

1. What book has had the most significant impact on your life?

The Holy Bible . . . Okay, really? I guess it would be Slauterhouse Five, whereupon we learn, as readers that a book can be poignant, sad, funny and surreal all at the same time.

2. What is the worst lie you’ve ever told?

I really can’t tell you that. Some of my sinnin’ is kept between me and myself. I think we all have a few of these moments where we lie about something and then have to sit on it the rest of our lives. Okay, I’ll tell. I was never in the army. I spent three years in a hippy commune in the hills of Oregon and when I visited home, I would rent an Army uniform from a costume shop.

3. If you could write your own epitaph, what would it say?

This has been a discussion among friends for years. I am looking forward to everyone’s answers. Mine is either: Keep of the grass!! or “In times of constant sorrow and depression, always, always go for the punchline. If you don’t make it a joke, then I am just another dead guy. ”

4. If you could have chosen you name what would it have been?

Pete. I think I would have been an excellent Pete.

5. What is in the trunk, or back, of your car?

Jumper cables; car emergency kit; Big old bag of cat litter; windshield fluid; quart of oil; CD changer; tire jack handle that I never put completely away.

The Friday Fives

1. On what day do you celebrate Thanksgiving?
I started hearing about this last week or so. Apparently some families, because of work or travel or lack of tradition, observe T-Day on the Sunday of the traditionally long weekend. Not at our house. The hole affair is steeped in tradition, from the smell of the turkey in the morning to the parades and football games on television. It all must be combined on the last Thursday of November, or the whole deal doesn’t count.

2. How do you traditionally celebrate this food filled holiday?
Big breakfast with champagne mimosas in the morning. Very traditional meal and watching of the football. Usually ending with a few games of cards and watching a film of some sort on the telly.

3. How do you like your stuffing cooked (in the bird, separately in a dish, store bought, etc.)?
Separately. In this part of the country, it is fairly uncommon for folks to stuff their bird, at least among the natives. I don’t know why that is, but there it is. I have yet to discern any noticeable difference in taste for either the bird of the dressing when served as two dishes.

4. What is your favorite dessert to eat on Thanksgiving and who makes it?
My mom’s pecan pie. Simple decadence served on a plate.

5. Can you name five things you are thankful for?
I have a job. My car is paid off. My mother is truly happy. My sister is truly happy. Jessica Simpson is getting divorced.

The Friday Fives

1. What is your favorite “Friends” episode?
I don’t recall the exact name of the episode, so I will call it – “The one where Monica explains to Chandler how to please a woman.”

2. Who would be in your historical threesome?
Lillian Hellman and Ingrid Bergman! (I don’t really know. Full disclosure, I have had this question to ponder for nearly a week and the list is ever changing.)

3. What foods have you forced yourself to eat this year that you usually don’t eat?
I have begun to eat a salad regularly, almost every single day. I didn’t used to be a huge “raw” food eater but have now come around to the point of craving a good green, leafy salad.

4. Given the opportunity and a clear shot, what would you most like to steal?
The code to weekly lottery so I can assure my self a weekly winner? Or maybe a nice Ferrari or Maserati. Now, having said that, every time I see one (and in Denver that isn’t so rare.) I will look at the car and ponder – “Hmmmm. I could take it.”

5. In life, we make choices. What have you chickened out of doing?
Going to law school. I would have loved to study the law. I don’t think I would be that great of a trial attorney, but I know I would have loved immersing myself in the philosophy and history of law.

Friday Fives

1. What is your favorite noise to hear?
Lately, that noise would be Beethoven, played as loud as possible. I just can’t get enough of him! I also love the noise of the horn when a goal is scored in hockey.

2. If you could live in any era of time, what would you choose and why?
Victorian era in London. I am a white male. For guys like me, those were indeed the salad days of time. Fashion, a butler, the prospect of traveling the world that you know. Sigh. Life really ought to be like an Agatha Christie novel, don’t you think?

3. You just found $50 while cleaning your house. Where do you decide to spend it?
This week, if I found a haul of cash I’d give it to the Denver Rescue Mission for their holiday meals campaign. Give the homeless a turkey, that’s what I always say. Or is it, Never pour the gravy on yourself, pour it on your plate.
I forget.

4. What magazines to you subscribe to/read on a normal basis?
Harper’s magazine, the best monthly tome of written fiction, essays and journalism. It is meaty and there are few pretty pictures, but every word is great.
Rollingstone – I got if free from subscribing to Good stuff as always in “the Stone.”

5. If you could witness any event in history, but not change anything about it, what would you choose and why?
I thinking hanging around Ben Franklin, the Da Vinci of the New World, would have been great. Perhaps standing in the rain and thunder as he flies a kite.

The Friday Fives

1. What’s your favorite animated characters?
Elmer Fudd, Jiminy Circket and The Tick.

2. Who is your favorite superhero?
Green Lantern and Captain Marvel.

3. What would your super outfit look like?
Blue, no cape, kicky boots and a shiny black face mask like the Lone Ranger.

4. What would your catch phrase/calling card be?
Living The Dream, Baby.

5. If you could have any superpower what would it be?
Mind Reading – the ability to know what is going on inside folks heads.

Friday Fives.

1. Have you ever been to the emergency room?

In my youth, my clumsy, clumsy youth I went to the ER quite often for stiches and such. In my adulthood, I have been spared the trauma of waiting out a trauma in ER.

2. What’s the worst pain you’ve ever had?

I am the biggest baby in the world when it comes to burns. Simple little kitchen burns that are quite harmless, can turm me into the biggest baby in the world.

3. If you could choose your doctor, do you prefer someone of the same or opposite sex?

I can choose my doctor and I went with a dude. Dr. Kevin and his very able nurse practitioner. As a tag team duo, they can’t be beat.

4. Do you take vitamins?

Yup. I take a liquid vitamin/mineral supplement twice a day, everyday.

5. Would you prefer to go to the doctor, the dentist or go sky diving?

I really don’t mind the doctor or the dentist. Sky diving is a bit scary. Been there, done that, send me to the dentist chair everytime.

Friday Fives

1. What kind of lighting is around you?
At home, natural lighting coming in the big picture window through the blinds. At work, stark, soul sucking florescent lighting, as bright as can be. ugh! .

2. What do you think of your singing voice?
Absolutely delightful, despite what anyone says. In the car, Roy’s Karaoke Kommute is generally sold out, as I craft delightful, melodious versions of most songs, sung in my best Willie Nelson impression.

3. Who do you try to please?
The boss. He is a stern task master with way too many to do lists and he is physically unable to live a life without checking things off the list. My job is to ensure that I have tasks completed each week that he can remove from the list.

4. Describe your last dream:
I don’t remember all of it, but a huge lake cabin was involved. Eddie and Sage were in it, we were camping at the cabin and had to for some reason, get a group of college boys out of the mountains and back in to town. And the cast of Deadwood was floating around in the dream as well. (I recently bought the Deadwood soundtrack and I think it has permeated my slumber.)

5. When is the last time you bought flowers?
It has been many, many months since I bought fresh cut flowers. In May I bought a couple of pots of miniature roses, but between the sun and the cat, they were quickly ruined.