1, Why don’t people spontaneously combust anymore? As a kid growing up in the 70s, In Search Of taught me that it happened all the time.
Right! I do remember some of those stories. I think it is because we have banned superheroes and supervillains. Supervillains were probably the biggest cause of human spontaneous combustion.
Prove me wrong.
- Name an actor so badly cast in a movie it never should have worked but it did?
Ernest Borgnine in “Marty.” He wasn’t that great of an actor, but in this role, he actually took home an Oscar, which made his career, and that is why we had “Airwolf.” (Maybe we can find old reruns of “Airwolf” to watch this weekend.
- If you could bring one musician back from the dead, who would it be?
Tom Petty. I am hooked on his radio show on SiriusXM. 24/7 runs reruns of his “Buried Treasure” show. He is the deejay and dishes out some hilarious banter and the best of rock, rhythm, and blues.
- What’s the greatest fake band from a movie or TV show?
Trent Lane and Mystic Spiral from “Daria”
- We’re curious: what do you think is Frenchest city in the US?
I have never been there, but I immediately went to San Francisco.