I picked up an issue of Harper’s on the coffee table the other day. From the October issue, in their Readings section that had a piece on Google. They typed in the phrase “People ask me all the time” into the Google search engine and then posted the results. Very amusing. Some of the gold:
“People ask me all the time how I did it, but what they really want to know is how they can do it, too.”
“People ask me all the time, ‘Bob just what is it exactly that you DO?'”
“People ask me all the time, why I’m so weird.”
“People ask me all the time what goes on in the car.”
“People ask me all the time to explain the one technique to blow their partner’s mind.”
Well, you get the point. It goes on and on. And yes, Google is amazing. I have given myself at least an associate’s degree in basic computer programming and networking over the past few months just by typing in questions into Google and searching for the answers.
But what is really available on Google. Today, that will be the challenge. I think a few choice cliche’ phrase searches are in order. I think I will start with the phrase “Don’t be so melodramatic” and see what comes up.
“Cancer is bleak.”. “You don’t have cancer.”. “Psychomelanoma. Untreatable.”. “You are so melodramatic. It’s tiresome.”
“Jesse, don’t be so melodramatic. There’s no way a small blip in the comings and goings in PC Lala-land compares to the risk of one human life much less a carload of them.”
“Don’t be so melodramatic. I still love you, and I think I’ll probably marry you some day and have your child. But right now I don’t want to be tied down when there’s so many possibilities to explore.”
“Don’t be so melodramatic. You’re not washed up, you’re
just bogged down.”. “Oh, yes, thank you. It’s all so clear to me now.
“Really Pilar, don’t be so melodramatic.” Ivy crossed the room and put on her favorite perfume,
” Don’t be so melodramatic. The Ds occupy half the Senate. They can block any
court nomination they want to. They won’t. They’re so darn polite”
Hannah pulled the quilt over her legs again. “Oh don�t be so melodramatic. It�s just life, Kiley. That�s all. People fall in and out of love every day. It�s no big deal.”
“And, finally, don’t be so melodramatic: Our relations with
China are messy partly because we worry too much about them”