The Friday Fives

1. People who eat ice cream in winter, why?

Because it is ice cream! Duh!

2. What’s your opinion on smartwatches? 

I love the idea of them and have owned a few but I am very hard on watches and at least the Samsung Fossiil brands of smart watches are just too dainty for my clumsy self.

3. What’s the most helpful career/workplace advice someone has given you?

Show up to work everyday. It is kind of surprising how many folks look at actually being at work is a challenging expectation.

4. How often do you get angry?

Usually whenI do something impatiently and it doesn’t turn out right or when I clumsily stubb a toe or something. I usually get angry at myself. For other anger triggering circumstances, I am usually just disappointed.

5. Your phone will suddenly be connected to the internet 5 years in the future, and you will have precisely 30 minutes to browse, but you can’t save or screenshot anything. What do you look up first, and how do you use that knowledge once you’re stuck back in the present?

Thirty secconds is pretty quick. Not a lot of time to track a fad or do deep research. I would find out the winners of the last two superbowls then on my return parlay a few bets in Las Vegas to walk away a winner.

The Friday Fives

1. The Mega Millions is currently worth well over a billion dollars. Let’s reduce this to a manageable, relatable question: What would you do with 8 million dollars?

Invest in a long term index fund and live off the interest. That is enough dough for me to simply retire early and life a modest life.

2. What is your TMI limit?

TMI for me is sounds – especially in the public restroom. I can handle most anything else but the sounds – that is what gives me the ughs.

3. When did you last see the sunrise? Why were you there?

Just over a year ago driving all night to Grand Junction after mom’s fatal hear attack.

4. if you were to restart your favorite hobby, how would you do it?

This is on my mind. Maybe a NewYearr’s resolution – a return to black and white 35 mm photography. I dug out my Nikon F3 the other day and got really nostalgic.

5. If you could go back to 2000 and give yourself advice, but it had to be a one-word cryptic clue, what would you tell yourself?

CDO. (Credit Debt Obligations – the financial tool that broke the world in the home credit melt down in 2007 .

Friday Fives

1. What is the easiest way to make you laugh?

A clever, quick turn of phrase

2. Who is a person you met only once that had an impact on your life?

There was this Army Reserve Major visiting our basei n the Army in Germany. I think he was a teacher in civilian life and he had all kinds of life pro tricks. I learned to shave with a razor not my Norelco from him.

3. What is under your bed?

A box of blankets and important file box of papers really should be in a fireproof safe box thingy

4. What’s a story you know about your grandfather?

My mom’s dad worked as a telegrapher for the railroad in the 30s and 40s and was a master at morse code and telegraphy even up into his 70s. (And he played a mean game of gin rummy too.)

5. What do you see out of the window you look out of most?

A parking lot next an elementary school playground.

The Friday Fives

1. What actor/actress played the best president?

Martin Sheen as Jed Bartlett on the West Wing

2. What actor/actress played the best rock star?

Bette Midler as “The Rose:

3. What actor/actress played your favorite historical figure.?

Walter Matthau as Albert Einsteinin 1994s I.Q

4. What actor played your favorite version of Elvis?

Kurt Russel in “Elvis” a made-for-TV movie

5. What actor/actress played the best famous author?

Character actor Jerry Hardin as Mark Twain in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

TheFriday Fives

1. Which historical figure do you most identify with?

Napoleon. I am a fierce conqueror yet so miss understood.

2. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

I am so God Damned clumsy.

3. Which living person do you most despise?

Donald J. Trump

4. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

“Living the dream!”

5. What fictional place would you like to live?

The magical book world in Jasper Fforde’s “Thursday Next” novels.