Friday Fives

1. What is your favorite lyric of all time? Why?
From John Prine: “How the hell can a person go to work in the morning
And come home in the evening and have nothing to say.
“ — Angel from Montgomery.

2. Friday fill-in: there’s no time to ____. read the paper in the john and work any more.

3. Have you ever been a victim of a crime.
I had a bike stolen once. Well, technically I had my cousin’s bike stolen once. And in defense of the crook, the bike was on the front stoop and not locked up because I was 14 and kind of stupid at the time.

4. Did you work hard this week?
Not really. It was slacker week. Lots of bosses out of the office and very few dead lines. I only went in for four days.

5. Do you have a favorite set of shoes. I have a favorite set of tennis shoes, a great pair of boots I refuse to through away and some nice Brazilian shoes that I wear when I need a compliment.

Friday Fives

1. Last party you went to?
I went to a friend’s house last sunday for some Olympics, bbq and wine. I got drunk, so it must have been a party.

2. Where are you on your way to?
A meeting. It seems I am alwyas running to a meeting on an other floor.

3. Have you ever fired a gun?
Yes. I’m an Army veteran and a former hunter with my hunter safety card.

4. Where do you call home?
The state of Colorado, physically. Mentally, the library is always a nice homey feel. Career wise, I have made Sprint my home and settled in nicely.

5. What’s your favorite board game?
Scotland Yard followed by Chinese Checkers. I am not good and chinese checkers, but I really like the game.

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Friday Fives

1. What was the first thing you cooked?
I remember as a kid having a Charlie Brown cookbook that I ordered from Scholastic Books – I remember cooking something from that book, I think cupcakes. I was probably in the third or fourth grade.

2. When you really want to impress, what do you cook?
My lasagne will be my secret weapon at any time I need to really impress. It is rich, decadent and addicting.

3. Gas or Electric?
I prefer gas. I am currently using electric on the stove.

4. What is your favorite kitchen appliance?
My coffee roaster. Do I have to go on about that again?

5. Food emergency: What can you always prepare quickly in a pinch?
Does ramen count? Okay then. There is a great family recipe for spaghetti sauce and noodles that is quick, made from readily available ingredients and stands up to the most complicated spaghetti sauces.

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Friday Fives

1. What type of hair do you have? (Thin, Normal, Thick, Frizzy, etc.)
Thin and kind of curly, wavy.

2. What color is your hair currently?

Currently a delightful salt and pepper, gray and dark brown.

3. What colors have you dyed/highlighted your hair?

Nope. I haven’t been in that club.

4. If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be?

I don’t think I would. Putting the chemicals that close to the brain – I don’t think that is a great idea.

5. What is your hair’s length?

Currently pretty short. I can’t get long hair – the curles go on revolt I get the Oompa Lumpa curl (Thanks Tony Mo for naming that) up front and then some Grandpa Munsters curls on the sides. I end up looking like someone from casting for Back to the Futures.

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The Friday Fives

Live from the Rockin’ Chair Ranch via wicked slow dial up:

1.. If you could change one life-changing event in the life of someone important to you, would you?
Probably not. Life hands us consequences. It does no good to avoid them or to meddle. (Wow, I am starting to sound like an old guy.)

2. Which do you think is easier to do, being friends for many years, or being life partners for many years?
Friendships come very easy for me. Let’s go with that.

3. Have you ever walked away from someone you considered a friend?
Yes. At 44-years-old, I think there are a number. There are Army buddies, and college friends I don’t see any more. Some are geography and some are by choice. If you haven’t heard from me for awhile, don’t read anything into this because until I posted this I haven’t given any of this much thought.

4. If you had to choose between telling the truth and hurting a friend or lying and making them happy, which would you choose?
I generally default with the truth. It hurts for a quick second but will generally lead to a better friendship. A lie can leave a wound.

5. Which would you rather hear–the truth which will hurt, or the comforting lie?
I want to hear the truth. But it sometimes can be brutal. In fact telling the truth in a bar surrounded by friends can be one of the most brutal games ever devised.

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