Wacky Friday Fotos


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Friday Fives

You’re stranded on an island.

Not a completely desolate island. More along the lines that the boat delivering supplies only comes once every six months and will never, ever take you home. Decide what you’ll bring!

One celebrity: (I think I have asked this question before – but times change) This time around – Bob Dylan. He can sing songs, write poems and tell stories.

Two books: Huck Finn and Infinite Jest. Huck because it has the worlds wisdom. IJ because it is really, really, really long and funny.

Three edibles: Raspberries, Chicken and Bib lettuce. (I don’t so much care for bib lettuce, but bib is a funny word. I like saying bib. Bib, bib, bib.)

Four films: “It’s a Wonderful Life”; “Casablanca”; “The Great Escape”; “Miller’s Crossing”;

Five music albums: [Sprintsteen] Born to Run; [Bob Dylan] Blood on the Tracks; [Jerry Garcia and David Grisman] Shady Grove; [Elvis Costello] Greatest Hits; [Van Morrison] Moondance

Friday Fives

1. What do you try to stay away from?
People with a negative outlook on life. i avoid complainers and I avoid finger pointers. And I also avoid clowns. Nothing is worse than a clown with a bad attitude. That’s two strikes against you.

2. Are you clumsy or graceful?
Clumsy, with a capital “K” It is amazing and perhaps proof of an enlightened deity that I have broken no bones due to my clumsiness.

3. What is it too late for?
A secure and early retirement. Thanks a lot, Lehman and all your brothers !!

4. What/who was your first love?
The ditch of dirt acorss the street from our house. I love that hill and the ability to dig and play and frolic in the simplicity of the mud and dirt.

5. Friday fill in:
I believe that ____ will _____ .

“I believe that Palin will have a television talk show.” (That is more of a prediction, but . . . .)

Friday Fives

1. What did you want to be when you grew up and why?
I had a phase when I wanted to be an architect. I used to go to the library and check architect books. I took a drafting class in high school. It was a good dream. Except I am not very good at math and I have limited drawing skills. Alas.

2. Who was your favorite person to do things with (excluding your parents)?
As a child, I hung out with Tony T in high school and several of my boy scout friends as we ravaged the surroundings on hikes, making forts, riding bikes and exploring the economy.

3. Did you love school or did you hate it? Why? Did that change as you got older?
I enjoyed school. I had good relationships with my teachers.However I went to college woefully unprepared for college.

4. Was your family close? What were your favorite family traditions?
I come from a very close family. An Idyllic and pastoral childhood and lots of love and compassion. then I became an adult and had to face the world. Wow, everyone isn’t as nice as mother. Heck, I should give her a call.

5. Did you think that being an adult would be cool?
I was always ready to be an adult and leave my idyllic hometown, because I knew it wasn’t a real representation of the world. Having seen the world a bit, I look at my hometown with a bit of sad nostalgia.

Wacky Friday Fotos


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Friday Fives

1. What is the one most important thing by your side right now?
Probably my cell phone. I work for a cell phone company and we communicate, mostly via cell phone. And my text paging equates to a lifeline to the outside world.

2. Why is it so important?
I bought a new phone this week “The Instinct” and it is fully and pretty gadgetry goodness. It is important because it has my email an contact information for the many millions of my my loving admirers. It also has a nice we b browser that makes long dumps in the john go by with some reading material.

3. Can you live without it?
Certainly. I lived 37 years with out a cell phone. But really, it is just a box that makes calls in the end.

4. What is the one thing you can’t live without?
Internet access. I am an information junkie and I need to have the ability to look up the smallest detail. As a child I was always encouraged to look up stuff i
n the encyclopedia and now, as a grouwn up, I transfer that skill to wikipedia or other more varied internet outlets.

5. Who is the one person you can’t live without?
Chuck Norris. He is God.

Wacky Friday Fotos


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Friday Fives

1. What’s your favorite “road food” when traveling?
Beef Jerky. Roadside beef jerky is the best, home made and usually really spicy.

2. What is your favorite Ethnic cuisine?
Either Tex Mex or Vietnamese. I vacillate between the two.

3. What is your favorite kitchen gadget?
I have the bottle cap opener that Ed or Julie bought me at the Great American Beer Festival. It pops the bottle cap right off. IT is fun and easy and makes me want to drink more beer (Like I need an excuse.)

4. What is your favorite television snack?
Lately it is peanuts in the shell. Crack a few open and you are hooked. Pistachios too, bur right now I am on a peanut kick.

5. What is your favorite cooking ingredient:? (Salt and Pepper don’t count.)

Roasted Anaheim/Hatch green chili peppers. They can go in anything. Eggs, stew, green chili, obviously. stir in some with tomatoes, and zucchini or green beans. mmmmmm.

Wacky Friday Fotos


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