
Dr. Phil was on Letterman last night. He was pretty charming and held his own against Dave. In fact he brought a list of all the names that Dave has called him for the past few months. Under instructions from my sister I recorded it. And I forgot until rewatching this morning the joy of the show – Sarah Vowells, one of the funniest voices writing and performing today. She was worth the videotape, even if the rest of Letterman was hype.

Happy President’s Day

t has been a theme of the late so I add this duct tape update. President Bush stocks up.

Sunday Morning Sunrise

As the slow hands of time advance, I am finding it harder and harder to go out on a Saturday night and drink a few beers. Not that a few beers aren’t enjoyable. No sir. Rest assured that I am still a beloved beer drinker. However, as I get a bit older I find it nearly impossible to get a full night’s sleep after having a few beers. I toss and turn and am generally miserable. Such was the case this morning as I lay in bed at 5:00 a.m., fully awake and bored. It is a bit early to get up and make coffee and breakfast. I’d wake up the rest of the house, which would probably not be appreciated. So I roll over, turn on the lamp and read – knowing that around 3:00 p.m. I will crash and need a nap to keep up with the day. It didn’t used to be this way. I used to be the life of the party. In my 20s, I used to be the guy who organized a booze fest on a Friday night and with my beer drinking buddies I could hold forth with a three day bender most any time. My Army days, my college days, even my early newspaper days were punctuated with a love of the drink. But now, at 38 years-old, I find I dread the inevitable hangover, I dread the inability to sleep and I must accept that as friends gather at a pub for stories, lies and talk, I will no doubt be the first one to go home. No longer the king of the party but perhaps the wizened one who can sit in the wings and watch with a knowing smile and retire early knowing that perhaps I can still enjoy the day after.

Olestra Update!

4:00 a.m. I had to run as fast as I could to the bathroom for some intestinal maintenance. But this doesn’t give Ed permission to say “I told you so.” I am blaming it on the Mexican dinner at Sams no3. on Havana.That is all.

One Of My Hard Drives Is Missing

I spent the greater part of this morning trying to solve a rather pesky system glitch with my USB external drives. The Sony Spressa CDRW drive I use is installed with the wrong driver. Windows 2000 automatically installs a different version of the driver to my system and I think that is what is causing my system from time to time lock up and spit out my external hard drive and external cdrw drive. But getting a correct Win2K drive has seemed to be impossible. This isn’t the end of the world and the hardware works 99 percent of the time, but on occasion, for no reason at all I will get this pesky error message that my hard drive and my CD drive were improperly unplugged. Since they work most of time, I am assuming it is a software issue not a hardware issue. And the best “first” place to go to fix the problem is to reinstall the drivers. But hours later I have made no major headway. But I will persevere.

Attention Olestra Lovers

On MSN chat this afternoon, the discussion turned to Olestra and specifically the Frito-Lay companies Olean branded fat-free chips.
See, I kind of like them.
And I am discovering that I am nearly all alone in that endeavor. I may be their entire consumer market.
There was talk of seeing how many chips it takes for an entire colon blow. But that conversation passed (…)
But come on! A handful of yummy fried tater crunchies for just 75 calories! How lucky can a guy get. Sure, it can be a gastrointestinal disaster if the entire bag is eaten in one sitting, but then if that happens, it serves a guy right.

Weekend looms following tater event

Speaking of blowing it all in one sitting – the weekend has crept upon us and with that comes plans. For most it is a three day weekend whereby we honor past presidents. Let’s all pause for just a second and give a shout out to 93-year-old Ronald Reagan, who just had a birthday. And, as always, take some time to pour a 40 down for good old Richard Nixon, one of my favorite dudes. A despicable person with few morals and virtually no charisma who forced himself into the global spotlight. How that guy became president is something I will never understand. And for that I love him. It ain’t easy to become an icon.
Just ask Charro.
Snow is forecast for Saturday, but otherwise the weekend looks like a fun warm one. I may propose to the posse a trip out of town somewhere. Perhaps up to Longmont to enjoy some microbrewery guzzling. And I think, in honor of Crabfest at Red Lobster, a sea food buffet somewhere may be in order.

Duct Tape To The Rescue?

The tool of the average serial killer has now been given new life due to terror . Apparently Duct Tape is now the equivalent of aspirin and band aids in our society (AP). The media is reporting that it is selling off the shelf as fast as they can stock it in hopes of making our home terrorist attack proof. I don’t know about that but I do know that while in the Army, the tape was sold in camo, green and black as well as the traditional gray and quite honestly held the entire military establishment together. Rare it was when a ranking sergeant in the field did not have a roll of duct tape in the cargo pocket of his pants in order to fix a truck, a tent, a computer. But really. Besides its incredible strength and useability, does anyonethink that the tape will be able to prevent anything? I doubt it.