Friday Fives

Friday Fives

1. Name five things in your refrigerator.
Mustard, half gallon of Super Food juice by Odwalla, left over Thai curry beef, Budweiser six pack remnants, tortillas.

2. Name five things in your freezer.
Hatch green chilis, orange juice concentrate, Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, loaf of bread, Bomb Pops.

3. Name five things under your kitchen sink.
Vinegar, orange glow, trash can, rubber gloves, soft scrub.

4. Name five things around your computer.
CD coasters, checkbook, pencil sharpener, fingernail clipper, remote control to the tv.

5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet.
BandAids, Prylosec, Claritin, Tylenol, multivitamins.

via Friday Fives.

Friday Fives

Friday Fives

1. Do you watch sports? If so, which ones?
Football and hockey, professional open tennis and the last two or three years I have been sucked into watching playoff baseball. It is a whole different game in the playoffs.

2. What/who are your favorite sports teams and/or favorite athletes?
I am a Colorado Avalanche fan. Have been since they moved to Denver. I am a Bronco fan. It is the way of my people. I have been a Bronco fan for nearly 40 years. I cheer for the Rockies but don’t really follow them and I cannot name you one member of the Denver Nuggets basketball team.

3. Are there any sports you hate?
Professional wrestling and the genre – cage matches, ultimate fighting and those kind of mindless things. I see no need. NASCAR and auto racing in general can also be added to that list.

4. Have you ever been to a sports event?
Been to a few Bronco games and a few Avalanche games. In Germany while in the Army I went to a soccer match. Ole’, ole’ ole.

5. Do/did you play any sports (in school or other)? How long did you play?
I wrestled. I was on the seventh and eighth grade wrestling team and then wrestled in high school for my freshman and sophomore year. And I really sucked at it. I blew. It was terrible. I spent virtually all my time with my face slammed down on the mat. You really do need to have a killer instinct to wrestle. I do not have that go-for-the-jugular attitude.

via Friday Fives.

Friday Fives

Friday Five

1. What vehicle do you drive?
2000 Ford Taurus. The Old Man Car, affectionately referred to as the ‘OMC’ by friends and family. But it is roomy, comfy, handles well, doesn’t do too badly with gas, despite being a V6 and has a pretty good sound system. For when I commute to work, I must rock.
2. How long have you had it?
February of 2002. It is the replacement vehicle after my sister rear ended me in my 1998 Ford Escort with a Ryder Truck. There is never anything good about moving.
3. What is the coolest feature on your vehicle?
The 10 CD changer deck in the trunk.
4. What is the most annoying thing about your vehicle?
There is this annoying short circuit in the windshield wipers – not enough of a bother to spend a couple of hundred bucks to fix it. As a result, the wipers will strike up at errant times and for no particular reason.
5. If money were no object, what vehicle would you be driving right now?
I am not a car horse kind of guy – but there is a new Ford Mustang coming out – either the 2004 or 2005 – that is one of the sexiest things I have seen in a long, long time.

via Friday Fives.

Friday Fives

Friday Fives

1. What size shoe do you wear?
A 9 or an 8 1/2 depending on the width. I have a pretty narrow foot.

2. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Sixteen? I think it is about 16 pairs. Is that too many for a guy? I was told once that guys’ are supposed to only have three pair.

3. What type of shoe do you prefer (boots, sneakers, pumps, etc.)?
Casual loafers and Bass Men’s clogs – perfect for the office or home. Get a pair now at your local retailer. Offer not valid with any other discounts.

4. Describe your favorite pair of shoes. Why are they your favorite?
My Caterpiller&reg brand tennis shows. Real roomy and comfy and they are funky looking. What more can you ask for?

5. What’s the most you’ve spent on one pair of shoes? About $110.00 for a pair of civilian Desert Storm Army Tanker Boots from Corcoran. The company that makes the Army’s boots made this pair of suede tanker boots with lots of straps and buckles. They are pretty cool. I really should get them resoled.

Friday Fives

Friday Fives

1. Who is your favorite singer/musician? Why?
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. There is a spirit and an energy of the common man and a thread that is woven through his music. As he matured from his first album in 1973 through to his most recent album in 2003, I feel as a listener that I too have matured, I too have conquered my fears and faced my dreams. And I don’t care what naysaying roommates and friends have said in the past – he is a good singer – expressing the drama and agnst in his songs as no other. Plus the man can play a wicked electric guitar. He is Rock and Roll. A review a few years back said once that Bruce never wanted to be the biggest star in the world, he just wanted to win the battle of the bands contest, night after night after night – and that about sums it up best.

2. What one singer/musician can you not stand? Why?I think at present anyway it would be Jim Morrison and the Doors. They are so overplayed and I just don’t get it. Sure it is kinda cool that they didn’t have a bass guitar, but really, there isn’t much there when you give them a listen. Maybe it is the imbalance between the deep over poetic lyrics of Morrison against the pop beat organ sound of Mazerak, but it just rarely works for me.
I am not a big ColdPlay fan, but in all honesty, I only know two of their songs and haven’t given them much of a critical ear. I just know that when the latest Coldplay hit song hits, I tend to change the radio station.

3. If your favorite singer wasn’t in the music business, do you think you would still like him/her as a person?
Yeah. In fact, to quote from an other VH1 source, during the Warren Zevon documentary made to accompany his last album he described Springsteen as being exactly the kind of person that you would have wanted him to be. That is pretty high praise and perhaps a lofty goal for all of us to aspire to – to be the kind of person that people would want us to be.

4. Have you been to any concerts? If yes, who put on the best show?
And yes, you all expect me to give yet another accolade to Bruce (seven days until he plays Invesco!!) but I will instead give this honor to Slim Cessna and his Auto Club, a local Denver Cowboy Punk band that for many years has set Denver audiences on fire with a rocking, idosyncratic stage act the ignites the passions and majesty of rock and roll – plus a few songs about the Devil and redemption thrown in for good measure.

5. What are your thoughts on downloading free music online vs. purchasing albums? Do you feel the RIAA is right in its pursuit to stop people from dowloading free music?
I have downloaded a ton of music in the past and from time to time still dig around on the P2P networks to find a live acoustic version of a song that I may not have heard before. And that is the major plus to the downloading P2P movement – giving listeners a quick and easy access to little heard before acts and songs. The RIAA and the music industry missed the boat on digital music and the power and presence of the internet. And instead of reacting to the new demands of music consumers, they remain hell bent on legislating their business model into law rather than reacting to naturally progressing market changes.

Friday Fives

Friday Fives

1. Is the name you have now the same name that’s on your birth certificate? If not, what’s changed?
Yup. And nothing to add really, either. Just Roy. Not short for anything. No nicknames.

2. If you could change your name (first, middle and/or last), what would it be?
I have made peace with my name. Kind of old school and usually the only Roy in the room. And a neat bit of historical-familial symmetry with it. I have my great-grandfather’s middle name and my grandfather’s middle name. It fits together nicely.

3. Why were you named what you were? (Is there a story behind it? Who specifically was responsible for naming you?)It started with my grandmother. And if you have spent anytime with me at all, you know that most of my stories begin with the sentence “It all started with my grandmother . . . “ Mom wanted to name me Ian Allen Nall. Simple, three letters and the initials spelled the first name. And I would have had great hair and been better looking and all those dreamy things that happen to you when you have a soap opera name to carry through life. But, you see, my birth was surgical. And while mom was sleeping, my grandmother named me, vetoing any votes put forth by mom and dad. (see above )

4. Are there any names you really hate or love? What are they and why?
Names are such a personal thing. But I do have a hard time with some of the biblical names. I mean, really, who would want to be named Uriah? That is a name that just doesn’t roll off the tongue. Some of the ethnic names, the names from the hood probably need some work. I remember a pregnant girl who worked for me once. She was thumbing through a book of baby names wondering what to call her daughter. I suggested Propecia. And then had to spend another 20 minutes talking her out of it, since a girl really doesn’t want to go through life named after a male-pattern baldness medication. And can we talk for just a second about nicknames -you don’t get to give yourself your own nickname!

5. Is the analysis of your name at / / astroexpert accurate? How or how isn’t it? From Your first name of Roy has given you a practical, logical, analytical approach to life and a great deal of patience. You enjoy working at anything of a mechanical or technical nature, and believe that what is worth doing is worth doing well. When you are interested in a project, you concentrate all your thoughts on it and do not appreciate being interrupted. This name creates a deliberate and methodical way of thinking and speaking; it takes you time to learn but, once you have mastered a subject, you do not forget it. You are very systematic in all you do and do not like to see things out of order; however, there is a tendency for you to be too fussy. There is a seriousness to your nature which could cause you to worry over your responsibilities, especially when confronted with change and uncertainty. This is close, although I am not that deliberate and methodical – I am more a polyphasiac in my approach to life.

Friday Fives

Friday Fives

1. What housekeeping chore(s) do you hate doing the most?
I hate folding laundry. It is a huge mental hurdle that causes me to be weeks behind in laundry chores.

2. Are there any that you like or don’t mind doing?
I don’t mind doing the dishes and tidying up the kitchen.

3. Do you have a routine throughout the week or just clean as it’s needed?
I try to do a chore a day so that the house isn’t a total pit. But my roommate and dear sister and myself both seem to inherited a sloth gene from our father. (Our mother is Martha Stewart meets Betty Crocker, an immaculate housekeeper). So sometimes the pit of clutter just takes over. Alas.

4. Do you have any odd cleaning/housekeeping quirks or rules?
I tend to follow most of the mom rules but have recently cast out the mop the floor on your hands and knees rules that mom lives by. Time to move on from that. My step sister Laurel subscribes to a website/email list called It has a whole method of housekeeping, focusing on a task a day and a zone in the house a week. I am contemplating using it to keep ahead of house cleaning.

5. What was the last thing you cleaned?
The cat box. Alas. My kingdom for a self cleaning, self regulating cat box. It would make the cat the perfect, maintenance free pet.

Friday Fives

Friday Fives

1. What is your dream occupation?
Head comedy writer on the Alan Brady Show. As a kid, I was really, really obsessed and watched the Dick Van Dyke show religiously. All I ever wanted to be was Rob Petrie.

2. The quality you most admire in a man? In a woman?
This crosses genders. I am drawn to a person with a good, dedicated work ethic, a sense of humor and ability to be their ownself. A deep fond love of Springsteen helps, but I have learned to let this one go. Some folks just don’t understand.

3. To what faults do you feel most indulgent?
Eating Raspberries. (Is that really a fault? ) Internet surfing for hours. A Philly Cheese Steak Sammich from Pat’s Philly in Denver.

4. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
The year was 2001. What else could have happened that year! Yes, the events of that year were the depth of Misery.

5. What is your favorite spoonerism?
Whore of Farts (four of hearts) Spate of Aids (eight of Spades) My grandmother Mathis was a master at the Spoonerism and the quaint saying. An old time saying as an exclamation was Land of Goshin ( I have no idea what it means. Apparently a Biblical reference) She would say ” ‘Lantic Ocean” as a joke. I miss her great sense of humor.

via chat suggestions from Sage and the Rev. Ed.

Friday Fives

Friday Fives

1. What is your favorite song to put on a mix tape?
Anything by Journey ! No, but seriously. A mix tape should have a little bit of everything and show your personality and humor. Which is why I love to toss on Louden Wainwright III’s Dead Skunk. A gem.

2. What was your first rock concert?
The Who, 1982, Folsum Field, Denver – Face Dances tour. Their first tour/album after the death of Keith Moon and the crowd was on edge, not really knowing what to expect. The opening act was a new pop singer with a top 40 hit about a little ditty about Jack and Diane. The crowd was not in the mood and booed the then-relatively-unknown John Cougar off the stage. This is funny looking back because a lot of those Who fans probably are John Mellancamp fans today. The booing was more because of impatience. There seemed to be a hubbub in the crowd that if we get the opening act off the stage, the Who will play longer. But it was not to be. The next act was Jethro Tull. And The Who were not about to take the stage until their contracted time. So the crowd was given an extended set of Tull. What I am about to say next is probably sacrilege, but I am not a big Jethro Tull fan, and certainly wouldn’t have volunteered for an hour long (perhaps longer – the beer fog dims some memories) set. But it was worth it once Ian “Oh look, I play the flute on one leg like a pirate” Anderson left the stage I was allowed to see one the loudest, high energy shows I have ever seen. The Who were great showmen. Only two remain and we will never get to see this act again.

3. How old were you when you lost your virginity?
15? It was on a summer band trip to Portland and it was with a cute girl, also on a summer band trip, from Snohomish, Washington. It was a miserable time, we were horny, hurried and neither of us knew what we were doing. Losing one’s virginity is like that – do it, get it out of the way, remove it from your mind and learn from the many mistakes. I think girls are much better at deflowering guys than guys are at deflowering girls. Where would the world be without the sage guidance of a woman.

4. Tell me about your first car
Ah, I liked this car. It was a hand me down from my parents. A 1968 Ford Custom 500. I never got the full back story, but I think it used to be a cop car. Blue and White, three on the tree manual transmission. Four doors. It could seat a family of 25 comfortably and it had some juice in its engine. It was rear wheel drive and when it snowed (as it does in Western Colorado mountain towns) this car got stuck a lot. And it could cut donuts in parking lot at the drop of a dime. I think my parents sold it to my cousin – never to be seen again. Her name was Nannette.

5. If you could be anyone alive for a day, who would it be?
Henry Adams. I almost went with his peer and rival Teddy Roosevelt, but Adams saw more of the world and life. As John Quincy Adams’ grandson, he was connected in all the major circles at the turn of the century and as a writer/historian, he was able to participate in the birth and formation of the American century. Read his autobiography sometime – an amazing mind.

via Kevin's suggestions

Friday Fives

Friday Fives

1. How much time do you spend online each day?
Counting work, about 12 hours. Not counting work, I am online all the time, although not always in front of the screen, so at least 3 hours a day. Weekends, much longer.

2. What is your browser homepage set to?
My blog, Salon, and the last page I was on when I shutdown. (I have three loaded on start up.)

3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?
Trillian = one stop shopping.

4. Where was your first webpage located?
On, but it is gone now.

5. How long have you had your current website?
Since February.
