The Friday Fives

1. What’s your comfort show you’ve rewatched a million times?

“Murder She Wrote” on Roku TV.

2. What’s your go-to “cheat meal” or guilty pleasure food?

Cheesy, cheesy Mac’nCheese

3. What is your “never-again” brand, store, restaurant, or company?

AliExpress. I have never had a satisfying or successful transaction with them.

4. What’s the one thing today that will make people 200 years from now say, “I can’t believe they did that”?

Elected that dumb ass president TWICE!

5. What’s the one thing you want to do in 2025?

Take off about 20 lbs.

2 Replies to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1. The Sopranos. James Gandolfini was brilliant.

    2. A nice, meaty goulash.

    3. Disney. They’ve destroyed every franchise that I grew up with and loved.

    4. That we voted for party over principle and still limited ourselves to two choices when deciding a leader. And … that since 2016 we narrowed down our presidential elections to two unbelievably ridiculous, jaw-droppingly retarded candidates. So jaw dropping that the ONLY reason we voted for that person was because we just didn’t want the other in office. “What platforms did the candidate you vote for run on? Don’t know. I just didn’t want the other person in the White House.” This was the best we could do, but I have zero faith that mankind will evolve beyond this in the next two centuries.

    5. Finish writing a book.

  2. 1) the first Dune. The low end one from the 80s.

    2) Kraft Mac n cheese and chicken tenders.

    3) Home Depot. Fuck them they are evil!

    4) Took so fucking long to prosecute a habitual felon that he got elected for president again!

    5) Win the Powerball? Find happiness? Fuck I don’t know.

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