The Friday Fives

1. People who eat ice cream in winter, why?

Because it is ice cream! Duh!

2. What’s your opinion on smartwatches? 

I love the idea of them and have owned a few but I am very hard on watches and at least the Samsung Fossiil brands of smart watches are just too dainty for my clumsy self.

3. What’s the most helpful career/workplace advice someone has given you?

Show up to work everyday. It is kind of surprising how many folks look at actually being at work is a challenging expectation.

4. How often do you get angry?

Usually whenI do something impatiently and it doesn’t turn out right or when I clumsily stubb a toe or something. I usually get angry at myself. For other anger triggering circumstances, I am usually just disappointed.

5. Your phone will suddenly be connected to the internet 5 years in the future, and you will have precisely 30 minutes to browse, but you can’t save or screenshot anything. What do you look up first, and how do you use that knowledge once you’re stuck back in the present?

Thirty secconds is pretty quick. Not a lot of time to track a fad or do deep research. I would find out the winners of the last two superbowls then on my return parlay a few bets in Las Vegas to walk away a winner.

2 Replies to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1) Ice cream is God’s way of saying life is worth living…so eat it at all hours and seasons of the years.

    2) I, too, am hard on watches. But more so I get bored of them and also the last smartwatch anchored in my brain that there is a “too connected” level of technology. I made checking stuff even easier than pulling a phone out of my pocket, so the result was I was always on my watch and that can be a really bad habit.

    3) My mom was a recruiter at one point in my life and when I was moving up into management positions, she simply told me, “Don’t do what you didn’t like that other managers did.” That has always been my guiding line as a manager of people. Today though, I have gone feral as a self employed contractor and don’t want to manage, or accept the work ethics and tendencies of the younger workers any longer.

    4) I get annoyed and and impatient way too much, especially with my kids. I am a loud person and that isn’t usually a good or beneficial thing when it comes to dealing with others. As far as really angry, there are limited times I go to the angry level.

    5) Heck, in 30 minutes I could go to each of the past 5 end-of-year recaps and have a list that would make me wealthy to oligarchy levels.

  2. 1) ice cream is a delight no matter the season.

    2) Meh there’s nothing so important that it can’t wait a few minutes or I can pull out my phone and look. I wea4 a watch for the time and the fashion.

    3) If it’s warm wet and not yours p, don’t touch it.

    4) I get frustrated with situations but rarely am I truly angry.

    5) Powerball & Megamillions, boom done.

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