Friday Fives

1. What is the easiest way to make you laugh?

A clever, quick turn of phrase

2. Who is a person you met only once that had an impact on your life?

There was this Army Reserve Major visiting our basei n the Army in Germany. I think he was a teacher in civilian life and he had all kinds of life pro tricks. I learned to shave with a razor not my Norelco from him.

3. What is under your bed?

A box of blankets and important file box of papers really should be in a fireproof safe box thingy

4. What’s a story you know about your grandfather?

My mom’s dad worked as a telegrapher for the railroad in the 30s and 40s and was a master at morse code and telegraphy even up into his 70s. (And he played a mean game of gin rummy too.)

5. What do you see out of the window you look out of most?

A parking lot next an elementary school playground.

4 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1. I love it when children curse. Makes me laugh every time.

    2. Canadian energy billionaire Maurice Strong. He was fresh out of a UN working group, and he actually made a compelling case for the attainability of world peace.

    3. Dust bunnies. I don’t keep anything under the bed, as the floor below it is viewable from many angles. (I hate visual clutter)

    4. My mom’s dad, aka Grandpa, was and interesting and charming fellow. One afternoon, he was walking down main street, and he collapsed–catching himself on a parking meter. At that moment, his doctor walked by and said, “Nick you don’t look so good. You’d better come with me.” It turned out that Grandpa was having a heart attack, and Dr. Anderson saved him in real time.

    5. A park and some mountains. I’ve been lucky to have such a view.

  2. 1) Jackass type stunts. I can giggle at those at any moment.

    2) Stan “The Man” Musial. Didn’t know who he was when I was in a golf 4-some with him. Found out later he is basically a legend in the baseball world. He showed me that being famous is about other people not about the famous person (because I didn’t know he was famous and he was a really interesting nice guy.)

    3) The mechanics of our bed that sits up and stuff (but we never use it that way) and a few clothing boxes (wiith clothes we will probably eventually just give away.)

    4) I didn’t know my Dad’s grandfather because he died when my Dad was 17. But the story i know about him is that he was the son of italian immigrants, he was poor and worked as an ombudsman of some sort in Newark, NJ. The story goes that at his funeral lots of high-ranking government officials showed up, like the mayor, governor, police chief and such. My dad never knew why such powerful and prominent people would come to his funeral…mob anyone?

    5) Since my office is in my basement I see the sky and some branches of our monstrous cottonwood tree. When on our main floor, a lovely park out my the back gate of our yard.

  3. 1) A long weekend with the boys.

    2) Met a patient once who was a survivor of the USS Indianapolis, he told me he’d never be upset about growing older, because so many of his friends were denied that chance.

    3) Dust and the case for my stupid CPAP machine.

    4) My dads dad died when my dad was only 11, but I’ve heard stories of him brining my dad along to the movie theaters he owned and ran and letting my dad sit through movies while he ran around doing owner stuff.

    5) My backyard.

  4. 1. Beavis and Butthead. Nuff said.

    2. Kurt Vonnegut. Used to be one of my top five favorite writers. Attended a workshop he was a guest at. He was a stiff, angry curmudgeon who touted himself as one of the last great writers, and pretty much scoffed at current authors. He reminded me that no one should be put on a pedestal, and anyone can be an asshole.

    3. Dust bunnies and an unvacuumed swath of carpet.

    4. My mom’s dad was a hero in World War 2. He served aboard a motor torpedo boat in the South Pacific, and because of his actions, earned the Navy Cross and Purple Heart. He was the only real male role model I had as a kid. He was my age now when he died, and he gifted me the Purple Heart he earned. I was a young, stupid kid though, and I inevitably lost it.

    5. A tiny fenced in area bordered by a rather huge field. Occasionally, I’ll see some stupid deer. Mountains far in the background.

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