1. What is one food that’s basic in terms of ingredients and recipe, but you adore?
Basted eggs and toast. Just a bit of olive oil and butter in a non-stick skillet. Warm to about 3.5 setting on the stove. Let the butter melt but don’t let it burn.
Knock in two eggs and about a tablespoon or less of water then cover to steam/fry the eggs.
They are done when the whites are cooked but the yolks are set but still run.
Serve with toast. The entire meal takes about five minutes.
2. What’s a hobby and/or habit you started during the pandemic(Ongoing or not)?
Bread baking. I have gotten good at artisan no knead bread, sourdough, beer bread, English muffin bread and biscuits.
3. What’s a childhood memory that still makes you laugh to this day?
One year at Christmas when I was probably four years old all of us (sisters and cousins ) got these flashlights that projected a clown’s face and we played lights out hide and seek in the grand parents house all day.
4. Not counting Die Hard, what is a Christmas movie that wasn’t released/marketed as a Christmas movie.
The Thin Man from 1934. Classic. Myrna Loy steals every scene.
5. if you could’ve stayed at one age for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Thirty-four. That was the best version of me.
1) Kraft Mac & cheese. Can make it without even reading the instructions. Best comfort in a box, ever!
2) Touching myself. It’s more of a lifestyle than a hobby and I’m world class at it!
3) I was 11 at summer camp. My cabin group and I were on a backpacking trip. None of the kids were terribly motivated. One of the counselors told us at the end of the hike there was a McDonald’s. Naturally we all started talking about what we were going to order. Then as we crested the hill overlooking a huge sand dune, the lead counselor says, “the sands! They’ve shifted!” Fuckin hilarious.
4) Lethal Weapon.
5) do I have to live the same life already experienced? Than I’ll pass. If I get to live at that age and retain knowledge and basically have a do over I’d pick 26/7.