1. What song beginning with the letter “E” is a great jam?
“Every BreathYou Take by the Police from the Synchonicity album. I remember living in the dorms in Boulder when this came out. A great jam from a great album.
2. What old movie beginning with the letter “L” still holds up years later?
Adrian Lyne’s Lolita from 1997. A dark dark film from one of my favorite books (really, go read it – its darkly funny and an English masterpiece by a Russian master.) Frank Legella steals the screen.
3. What book beginning with the letter “M” is a recommended read?
I swear I didn’t submit this question with this book in mind. In fact the question came from a random social media post on Threads. That said, on this site and the Friday Fives I have written probalby too much about “Moby Dick” by Melville. A perfect tale that sometimes is also about a whale.
4. What pop culture trend beginning with the letter “N” will be remembered and why?
New Wave music from the early 80s. It is still a thing with the genre’s own channel on SiriusXM and tribute bands belting out Duran Duran and Bill Idol hits.
5. What television show beginning with the letter “G” is a good binge?
“General Hospital? ” Just kidding. How about “Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C.?” Nothing really comes to mind.
1) Tool Eulogy
2) I’m going to go with the entire Lethal Weapon series.
3) “Man In The High Castle” Phillip K. Dick
4) Nintendo because Super Mario duh.
5) I’d say “Game of Thrones” but if cable doesn’t count I’d say “Gilligan’s Island”.
1. Even Flow by Pearl Jam.
2. Look Who’s Talking Now. How do you make a premise even MORE side-splitting? Give DOGS an internal monologue. That’s how.
3. Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend by Matthew Dicks.
4. Netflix. Brought us streaming, killed Blockbuster Video and forever changed going to theaters for entertainment.
5. Good Times.