1. What is your greatest fear?
A world without butter
2. What’s your favorite thing to keep you going during traffic jams?
Loud classic roc jams from SiriusXM
3. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
A perfectly brewed cup of coffee and a crossword puzzle
4. Which historical figure do you most identify with?
The more I read about him the more fascinating he is : Walt Whitman
5. With no boundaries, where would you like to live?
Provincial France is a quaint little village.
1. My mother dying.
2. I neither commute nor own a car right now, so for me “commuting” is my afternoon trip on the 15 to go to Happy Hour with my idiot straight friends. I usually put my phone in my pocket and enjoy the ride. I’ve witnessed many small acts of kindness and compassion that make me believe that maybe there’s still a good side of Denver.
3. Freedom from worry and a snappy outfit that strangers comment on.
4. The author E. M. Forster. So many of his novels have autobiographical insights that have really hit home for me.
5. Berlin. No city every captured my imagination quite like it. The scale of it is gigantic. I love that the people are snotty and hate tourists. I love that it’s still a work in progress. I appreciate that you can still spot bullet holes in some walls.
1) Dying while my kids are still under 30. I wouldn’t wish that on them.
2) NPR.
3) Sitting on a covered porch in the mountains in the fall, blanket on my lap, bundled an warm, during a storm.
4) I do love Mark Twain. A social creature who charmingly criticized all he was being social with.
5) Probably Scotland or Northern Ireland. I love the blustery weather, the coastal feel, the rolling green hills and the wonderful people.
1) being a burden on those I care about.
2) loud music, granted my commute is 10 minutes to work right now and there is rarely any traffic.
3) covered porch looking out over a lake as a thunderstorm rumbles & rolls across the lake.
4) no idea, probably whoever was so bland that they aren’t remembered.
5) Edinburgh, such an amazing unreal city.