The Friday Fives

1. People who rarely get sick,what’s your secret ?

Allergy meds and herbal supplemnts (Chinese medicinals: Oregano oil extract and Astragalus Supreme)

2. Pretend is your last meal what are you gonna eat?

My mom’s lasagne recipe. If it is the last meal I am going out with a full, beefy, carb-rich tummy.

3. What’s a piece of technology you wish existed, and what would it do?

Well, I have covered this before – the Star Trek Transporter. Bringit on. If we had that we wouldn’t need flying cars.

4. What is the most American thing to do?

Buying lots of guns.

5. What’s the weirdest food combination you actually love?

Make a sandwich out of some iceberg lettuce leaves and basic Pringles potato crisps. Yummy.

2 Replies to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1) Years of exposure to homeless shelters, jails and emergency room patients.

    2) Genoa East deep dish pizza in Chicago.

    3) I want a fucking lightsaber!

    4) Fuckin hot dogs.

    5) Dill pickles in my grilled cheese.

  2. 1) Eating my own boogers…not really, although science has proven that that does increase you immunity. Actually, I think the military injected me with so much shit when I was active that I just don’t get sick very often any more and my body will be very well preserved after death (until they burn it to a crisp).

    2) Man, that is a hard one. Probably lots and lots of sushi.

    3) Similar to Roy, I would like the Star Trek replicator.”Earl Grey tea, hot” and BOOM!

    4) Well unlike the MAGOPA, I pretty much despise Trump and the autocracy followers claiming patriotism, and it is this that feel is the most true blue American thing to do. I am concerned with Greg fucking hot dogs, but I am not judging (just concerned).

    5) Apparently something I grew up with thinking it was normal is, in fact, not. But if you try it you will become one with me. Worcestershire sauce on a grilled cheese. Just drip it on to the bread after cooking. OH MAH GAWD!

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