1. How is this IT outage affecting you?
This is an oddly specific question. But Microsoft Azure is down nationwide so I am really just sitting here at work with virtually nothing today. Kind of a nice Friday after a very long busy week.
2. What’s a rich people thing that rich people don’t know is a rich people thing?
Establishing a personal LLC that holds the car, the house the money and pays a salary to the rich person to lower/avoid taxes and live the life of luxury. Most of us peeps don’t have that option.
3. How many pillows do you sleep with? Why?
Somewhere around six or seven. I like to create a bed womb to surround me in pillows and luxury.
4. What isn’t worth the money?
Name brand products when there is a generic or store label brand – for food and pharmaceutcals. Those private label/store label products are usually made by the same production company.
5. What would it be If you had the power to make one global law that everyone had to follow?
In the words of Bob Newhart (RIP): “Stop it ! ”
1) There’s an IT outage? Hmmm doesn’t seem to be effecting me at all.
2) Vacations where one can go somewhere and afford to do stuff.
3) One for my head, one for my arms.
4) Sporting event tickets. Shitty view, ass hats all around, no instant replay, no thanx.
5) political positions are required to only campaign on what they plan to do for the country. No mud slinging. No false advertising.