1. What everyday item has a hidden feature not everyone knows about?
There is this smaller but still accurate speaker located on your cell phone that you can use by putting the phone up to your ear, and when people speak to you, the entire conversation isn’t being eavesdropped by the line in the grocery store.
2. What is something you used to live and breathe for years but now don’t?
I used to buy CDs and try to be an artist completist, needing/wanting to have an artist’s entire oeuvre. Spotify or other streamers can do that for me now.
3. What book have you read that really needs to be turned into a movie?
There is a series of books by Britt author Jassper Fforde about Thursday Next, who works in the fictional world as local law enforcement and keeps order in books so the stories aren’t ruined for the “reader” folks. It’s a fun series to drop into and would be great on film.
4. If you could dive into a world of fiction and live there, what world would you choose?
Gatsby’s East Egg. All the parties and celebrations. What a fun ride that would be.
5. For city-living folks, what is the craziest thing you have seen?
When I worked downtown in Denver in the middle ’90s, there was a guy who would walk up and down Colfax naked. He was quite mentally troubled, and hopefully, he had gotten help, but to say the least, it was always startling to come upon him while running errands or going to lunch.
1. I have no clue. These items remain hidden to me. I just recently found out that the gas icon on my car has an arrow next to it that indicates which side has fuel cap. Who knew?
2. I used to love going to movies. Every weekend I would go to at least one, but now that the quality of movies have declined significantly, I rarely go to theaters anymore.
3. The Long Walk by Stephen King. (Or Richard Bachman. Whatever.)
4. Walking Dead. Money is obsolete, you can take out your frustrations on dead people, and you get to meet some truly interesting people as society crumbles. ‘Nuff said.
5. A man defecating in an alley while he was obviously zoning in/out from whatever drug he had scored that day. Based on the positioning of his pants, it was uncertain whether or not his log would make it over the rim. I didn’t hang around to find out.
1. On iOS devices, holding down the space bar turns it into a mouse. Mind blowing for folks over 40.
2. Print media. I’ve gotten used to electronic media, but I still prefer reading the newspaper replica rather than a site or app.
3. I believe it *is* being adapted into a mini-series, but “Ill Will” by Dan Chaon really pulls the wool over your eyes and is so deceptive. Seven narrators, none all that reliable as it turns out.
4. The Gastby lifestyle still sounds appealing. I know it comes at a price, but it’d be be a fun free-fall.
5. Once on the Paris Metro I saw man covered from head to toe in his own feces. It was funny because at every stop, EVERYONE left the train car and raced to another one.
1) Many auto key fobs have a feature where if you double push the unlock button it will also open all the windows on your car. Great on hot days to air out the fetid sweltering air.
2) Skiing. I used to be an avid skier, worked at ski areas, Actually started skiing before I was old enough to truly remember it. I still go a few times a year, but it is more for for the legacy aspect, not the desire.
3) I do love the CHronicles of Narnia and thought the 2 movies they made were pretty spot on the books. But, alas, they did not find the audience needed to make the other 5 books into movies too. I miss seeing you, Reepicheep.
4) Oh, WIlly Wonka’s world in a New York minute. Roald Dahl is one crazy MF’r.
5) Hmmm, not sure I can pick one. Capital Hill in Denver in the early 80s, there was Crips, Bloods, Skins and us lowly punks (all kinds)…so the shit I saw and experienced caused the person I am today somewhat. I suppose, in my early punk days I lived in a sort of TR house down by Park Avenue West and 20th Avenue, which is gentrified and tons of apartments now, but it was much rougher than Cap Hill was back then. Anyway, I remember coming home after work one night and there was a pretty routine gathering at our house with all sorts of folks, goths, punks, skins, LBGTQ (80s style) and in any given room of the house complete and total debauchery was happening. Heroin being shot upstairs in some of the bedrooms, Goths doing prison-style tattooing in the kitchen on some skins, acid punks in the living room tripping their balls off and then then there was our dirt cellar where all sorts of mix and match sex things were going on. I had to work the next morning, so I had a beer, chatted up some of my favorite weirdos and went upstairs to my bedroom, locked the door and went to sleep. Just another fun night downtown Denver in the 80s.
1) I’m not sure if it’s the same in every state but most cars have this long skinny stick that comes off the left side of the steering column that when pushed up or down will activate these crazy blinking lights in the outside of the car! Additionally these lights are almost psychic as they will flash in the side of the vehicle and then the car turns that direction.
2) I used to play hockey 2 or 3 times a week. I don’t think my hockey gear has been out of the bag in 8 years. I miss it lots but it no longer is a high priority.
3) There’s a book I read long ago that was a fun science fiction adventure/ dystopian world type book that I think would be fun, it is “Bill the Galactic Hero”.
4) “Friends” I mean nothing substantially bad ever happened to those fuckers. That and everyone is attractive? I’m in!
5) Having worked on the ambulance in Denver for as long as I did there’s been quite a few things. One that stands out was a woman in her 40’s wearing only a hat and glasses stomping up 16 streets pedestrian way waving a handful of papers and screaming at everyone about how the mental health system in Denver was broken. I’m thinking she would know.