The Friday Fives

1. If you could jump into a pool of anything, what would it be full of?

Raspberry Jello.

2. What’s the best wif-fi name you’ve seen?

In my complex someone named their wifi “NSA Monitoring Station 7” that always made me laugh.

3. What do you think the worst smell is?


4. If you could erase one color from existence, which one would it be?

Seasick Green

5. Which celebrity would you choose as a mentor?

Tom Hanks. He has lived a successful life making all the right decisions and he is pretty funny.

2 Replies to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1) Non sequential unmarked $100 bills.

    2) CIA van #6

    3) Unequivocally it is gangrene homeless smoker that has been set on fire. Yes I’ve actually smelled it.

    4) Institutional yellow.

    5) George Clooney, he seems to have avoided scandals and drama while being quite successful at it.

  2. 1. Women.

    2. What’s wi-fi?

    3. Clove cigarettes. Just smells of arrogance and narcissism.

    4. Brown. If you woke up everyday and it was just “brown” outside, I guarantee you would kill yourself.

    5. Denzel Washington. He;s our greatest living actor, and more importantly, he always seems to have the answers to everything.

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