1. If you where about to be executed, what would your final words be?
“Well, i did not see that coming?”
2. If countries are people, which one will be the best roommate and why?
Sweden. Sweet, nice, pleasant and lots of cocoa.
3. What’s one thing that is worth spending money on once a month?
Paid youtube membership. There is a lot of deep deep content on youtube but the ads are a miserable experience. Paying to have no ads has become a justifiable no brainer.
4. What is a newish lifehack you have discovered that has changed your life?
Baking bread in the microwave.
5. You have 1 hour and $1 million in just 1 store. Where are you going?
Off to the Maserati store !
1) GORILLA!!!!!!
2) Iceland – quiet, keeps to themselves and can show me the Northern Lights better than any other roommates.
3) Streaming services, which Apple+ is the best.
4) With power outages becoming more frequent and longer, I have found the joys of having a generator I plug into the house to power most the necessities. FU Xcel.
5) The realtor ‘s office.
1) Thank you.
2) Norway, they don’t mind if I turn the a/c down a bit.
3) Medications
4) Chat GPT. That shit makes Siri seem stupid.
5) Since Tony said my first thought I’ll say Bang Olufsen.
1. “Finally,”
2. Ireland. You can drink with them. Otherwise, you don’t really hear from them that much.
3. Therapy. Feels good to get to vent to someone who has to listen.
4. When one of these stupid pet owners brings their dog into a bookstore, if you say you’re allergic and fake a seizure, sometimes they’ll let you take a book for free.
5. American Furniture Warehouse