The Friday Fives

1. Do you turn down the car stereo in order to see better?
Yes, I have been known to do that – in order to concentrate. For examply when driving through Vail pass during a snow storm or through Glenwood Canyon in a rain storm I usually need silence in order to keep the wheels on the road.

2. If you are listening to music right now, what song are you listening to?
SiriusXXM Deep Tracks – Faces – On The Beach. It is pretty obscure. Pretty sure Ronnie Wood is on vocals.

3. If you could Google your own brain, what you search your memory for?
Where did I loose my keys last week?

4. When someone says “musical genius” who is the first artist that comes to mind?
Bob Dylan. No other answers will be accepted.

5. A New York City jury has convicted Donald Trump of 34 felonies.
Although a complicated case it was also open and shut. Due to Wall Street and dinvestment banks headquarteed in NYC, the DA’s office quite good at building these kind of financial corruption cases and if you followed the case it was pretty straight forward and easy to follow. The Orange Bloviator has never been held accountable for anything in his life and this is a fitting and apt topper to a life long career of deception.

3 Replies to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1. Nah. I do have other moments of cognitive dissonance that amuse me. For example I once got in the elevator, went down to the mailboxes, opened my mailbox and peered in–somehow thinking it would provide me a weather report.

    2. “I’ve Been Everywhere,” by Johnny Cash. (The radio is on downstairs.)

    3. I have a very creepy, nearly photographic memory. If I’m forced to recall something from the distant past I can usually piece the memory back together. Also, don’t lie to me, because 95% of the time I’ll catch you on it. I may not call you out on it, but I do remember things better than most.

    4. Jason Isbell. From his songwriting perspective to his ability to interpret vocals, he is a genius.

    5. I’m not really sure. The Trump cult is a troubling phenomenon which I do not understand. His support baffles me. I guess our country is about 30% deplorables.

  2. 1) Not to see better. But, like Roy, I have needed it quiet to concentrate during bad road situations.

    2) Nestor Amaral And His Continentals – Under the Bridges of Paris from their Holiday in France album. An old album I digitized from my Dad’s collection.

    3) What stupid shit I said to my friends in my 20s and 30s.

    4) Brian WIlson.

    5) I’ll repeat my FB post here:
    Him: It was a corrupt trial and judge.
    Everyone: But it was a jury trial with a jury chosen by both sides, defense and prosecution.
    Him: The mostest corruptess jury ever!
    Everyone: But your defense team agreed to them, so are they corrupt too?
    Him: Yes, there can be only one (as Him plays with his plastic Highlander sword replica bought at ToysRUs before they went under).

  3. 1) Nope I thrive on loud music and noise.

    2) Nope, watching local news before national nightly news.

    3) Nothing, if I’ve forgotten it I probably didn’t need it.

    4) Prince

    5) Fuck him! This might be the first thing he’s ever actually earned in his life.

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