1. What was your favorite magazine to read as a teenager?
Omni magazine. a monhtly sci fi compendium published by Penthouse magaize. You actully read it for the articles.
2. What’s a great song with misunderstood/unintelligible lyrics?
“Louie, Louie” The world’s most recorded rock song.
3. What’s a now “obsolete” technology you miss?
I miss my old Nextel phone and the push to talk radio feature. What a great simple technology. Squwack and then talk. More efficient than a phone call or a text message. It’s bandwidth was picked away at by other industries and could no longer be sustainable as a money making venture, the technology still exists and is great.
4. What makes people age the most?
Smoking cigarettes.
5. Who is your favorite Lee?
1) Mad or Cracked.
2) Chevy Van (Sammy Joh) or Jackie Blue (Ozark Mountain Daredevils)
3) The digital art of a mixed CD, burn baby burn.
4) Obesity and lack of exercise…or kids.
5) Jeans
1) MAD magazine was a big one.
2) blinded by the light by Manfred Mann
3) I don’t miss any old stuff Boomer!
4) Smoking and excessive sun do a pretty goid number on the aging process.
5) There was a girl back in grade school named Lee. Man I had the biggest crush on her.