1. If the last character from a movie or tv show you watched recently was stalking you, who would it be?
Sherlock Holmes (Johnnie Lee Miller) – that could be terrifying as you know you can’t hide from Sherlock.
2. If you could take a movie soundtrack song to be your personal soundtrack/anthem what would it be?
James Bond theme song from “You Only Live Twice”
3. What’s a movie or TV show that had a significant impact on your life?
Probably “The Six Million Dollar Man.” As a kid that show captivated me. I had the action figures and toys, the lunch box and I remember a poster as well. We had the breakfast cereal and collected the cereal box toys. I was all in.
4. What movie scene do most people hold in high regard or have an emotional response to that just falls flat for you?
Any dramatic scene with Tom Cruise. I want to like him but he is such a Scientology whack job that it is difficult or me to differentiate the actor from the character being played.
5. What’s that movie from your childhood that you watched about 15,298 times?
“Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.” I have posted about this movie a lot .
1) Steve Martin, and I am happy being stalked by this legend of an entertainer…so not really stalking because I welcome his attention.
2) Footloose.
3) M.A.S.H. – Still the only show I can watch over and over again and still be touched by the profoundness of it all and it is still the best show to be about the horrors of war without having to show too much of the horrors of war.
4) I never did get into Bogart, so (sorry, Roy) the “Here’s looking at you kid.” scene is pretty dull as are most of his movies, in my opinion and I get how classic his movies are considered (just not to me).
5) WIlly Wonka and the Chocolate Factory – I saw it at the movie theater in 1971 when I was 6 years old and it was magical. It is my favorite movie of all time and as I got older the warped nature of the movie made it even more endearing.
If the last character from a movie or tv show you watched recently was stalking you, who would it be?
It would be Eugene Levy. Not sure Eugene Levy stalks much. Sure, I’m a funny guy, but this guy damn near invented sketch comedy. Pre-SNL…. AND Canadian. So, I think if you look closely, its more likely I was stalking him. Least, that is what his lawyer said in a rather unnecessarily aggressive tome left at my doorstep.
If you could take a movie soundtrack song to be your personal soundtrack/anthem what would it be?
Soundtrack to Forest Gump was pretty much a perfect collection of all great rock and roll. So, let’s not overthink his.
What’s a movie or TV show that had a significant impact on your life?
Spinal Tap. It’s just perfection, and everything I needed at that time. Spoiler alert, as I write this (March 2024), they are filming a sequel this very minute. If you are reading this a year later, you already know that. I am beyond excited. I even went to see them in concert. It was odd, they were playing themselves. Meaning, I saw Micheal McKean, Harry Shearer, and Christopher Guest perform live music. But they weren’t Spinal Tap, nor where they the Folksman. They were… um… themselves. Anyway, I am such a fan that I convinced my bar band to learn and play ‘Big Bottom’. I think we had three of us on bass, if not at least two. We recorded some of those rehearsals. Wonder if that is around. Stand by, I’ll look.
Sorry, couldn’t find it.
What movie scene do most people hold in high regard or have an emotional response to that just falls flat for you?
The scene in Fatal Attraction, I think, where Sharon Stone famously spreads her legs in the interrogation scene. It’s supposed to be SO scandalous. But, I don’t see anything. It’s bad lighting. Trust me, I have looked hundreds of times… nothing. I don’t doubt that she was commando, and that the camera pointed there. I just didn’t see anything I am still pretty disappointed. Because I care about you, reader, I am going to double check again! Stand by, I’ll look.
What’s that movie from your childhood that you watched about 15,298 times?
Princess Bride. Plus, every documentary, re-make, and book. As for re-makes, this one is REALLY good. It’s various celebs filming 1 minute sequences on their cell phones during covid. Its fully approved, and all the stars are in a clip or two.
1) Its going go be one if the characters from Seinfeld, I’m hoping its George.
2) The soundtrack from Last if the Mohicans.
3) Bugs Bunny. Until I tried some of the stuff he did and it didn’t work out so well.
4) The “big reveal” scene from the crying game. If that was the moment you realized it was a man your attention to detail is awful.
5) Star Wars a New Hope. I still get misty eyed at Luke looking over the landscape of Tatooine and Jon Williams score playing in the background. Here is a link.