1. What is your current main mode of transportation? e.g. car, bike, subway, walking, etc.
My ebike. A 2000W AWD monster of a cruiser mountain bike. During ths time of the year I am mostly homebound, borrowing my sister’s trunk for errands on weekends or occassional trips into the office.
2. Are you satisfied with your current main mode of transportation (answer to question 1)? Why?
-ish? March through the beginning November it is great, but times like the deathly cold weekend weather we are experiencing makes the bike kind of worthless
3. Do you think you’ll change your means of transit soon? e.g. buy a car, get rid of your car, walk more etc.? If so, why?
Yeah. I am looking for a used car, but kind of want something I really want – like an affordable late 1980s Saab 900 or something kind of quirky like that for those few days a week I don’t work from home or the winter weather days that are bicycling prohibitive.
4. If time, distance and money were not factors, how do you prefer to get from point A to point B?
Seriously, this bike is so much fun. It runs at about 33 – 34 MPH consistently on the Denver streets and has become my preferred ride (It is about a five minute longer commute than driving so not really much of a trade of.
5. What was your worst transit experience?
In Stuttgart, while in the Army i was pretty drunk downtown and while leaving a night club?I got on a train that was going the wrong direction from the barracks and ended up at the end of the line at about 3:00 am and ended up sleeping under a park bench in park in Germany not knowing how to speak or understand any German. Pretty much the worsr transit experience. Hell, I didn’t even get laid. i have had countless numbers of scary as hell winter mountain pass driving experiences but my lost on a Stuttgart train story still stays with me decades later.
1) Truck mostly, with occasional bike and 2 legs.
2) Yep. I recently bought a newer used version of my old truck (which I still have for my kids to drive).
3) Upgraded in September, so no further upgrading coming soon.
4) Walking. I can walk for hours and miles. I would love to do a walkabout for days and weeks.
5) The flights needed to go to and back from Denver to Cape Town, South Africa are pretty brutal in coach. Denver to NYC (3 hours 40), NYC to Dakar, Senegal (8 hours 30 minutes), Dakar to Johannesburg, SA (8 hours 30 minutes), Johannesburg to Cape Town, SA (2+ hours) = an amazing almost 23 hours of flight time. So if you go, but tickets for anything above coach. I had neck issues for more than a year from sleeping on the place in coach coming back from SA.
1) the Prius was old and tired. The A/C stopped working, which is a big deal in Florida. I bought a 2023 Honda C-RV Hybrid. It’s very nice.
2) I like it but i still look at fancy expensive cars and think about trading.
3) Not anytime soon. But you never know. If the wife wants my ride I would get a different one.
4) I would live a fancy cool e bike line Roy.
5) Driving to my last clinical rotation was 60 minutes there at 05:30 on I-75 and about 2 hours home on the same stretch. Lots of really bad drivers.