The Friday Fives

1. If America runs on Dunkin’, what does ‘Murica run on?

Dark, evil spite.

2. Do you have a comfort show, and if so, what is it?

Diner, Drive Inns, and Dives. i don’t eat mammals or birds, so I live vicariously through Guy.

3. What is your city famous for without naming it?


4. What is the most “I’m an American tourist” thing you could say?

Can I get a big glass of ice water with my meal? (and then barely touch it.)

5. What would be the most absurd thing to fill a piñata with?

Jello. (not Jello shoots, just filled to the brim with Jello.

4 Replies to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1) Full octane conspiracy.

    2) Lately, it has been the series Reacher. But overall Antique Roadshow. Imma gonna find me some treasure at those garage sales, I know it.

    3) The most famous person in this town is John Elway, so I would say the Broncos.

    4) “Why don’t you have in stock?

    5) Very tiny pinatas, thus making it like the nesting dolls of pinatas.

  2. 1. Astro-glide.

    2. Anything with Ina Garten and a celebrity guest. So comforting.

    3. Mushrooms, mass murders, and mountains.

    4. “This carpaccio is raw!”

    5. Wooden matches and gunpowder. Just spitballin’

  3. 1. If America runs on Dunkin’, what does ‘Murica run on?

    Guessing bullets and sarcasm these days

    2. Do you have a comfort show, and if so, what is it?

    Dead Like Me

    3. What is your city famous for without naming it?

    Non-metric measurement.

    4. What is the most “I’m an American tourist” thing you could say?

    Anything in English likely.

    5. What would be the most absurd thing to fill a piñata with?

    Smaller pinatas

  4. 1) Bang energy drinks and self entitlement.

    2) Alone

    3) Traditionally the mouse house but more recently Vienna Sausage finger Desantis.

    4) “Do you take American money here?”

    5) Murder hornets

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