1. What’s the best thing about working from home?
Not having the 90+ minutes of commute each day
2. What’s the worst thing about working from home?
I actually miss the people watching on the commute, in our office building and, walking around the 16th street mall at lunch and after work.
3. What was unexpected about working from home?
I am so inefficient and unfocused on work stuff.
4. What have you learned about yourself while working from home?
See above and wow, my job is so much about personal interactions with others and communication and I am having to completely rebuild that toolbox.
5. During our self-quarantine/lockdown, what project have you taken on?
I have some sourdough starter I got off Etsy that 60-years (or more) old and have made bread and pancakes. Yummy.
1) No politics.
2) No people.
3) How introverted an extrovert can become. I find myself not at all energized to reach out and call someone.
4) Well, I have been working from home, per se, for the past almost five years, so focus on work is always an issue, since there’s always something to be done around the house. But during COVID, I find that I love the few hours daily of solitude, but now my wife and kids are here non-stop. Jeesh.
5) So many hard labor outside projects, I can’t even. I am more tired and non-stop sweaty now than ever in my life…except Navy in Guam…that was a whole bunch of sweaty.
1) Very low risk of being called into the bosses office.
2) No interaction for entertainment sake.
3) The ease of distraction. I never would have thought I put laundry ahead of things.
4) I really, really like not wearing pants.
5) I’m going to finish the didactic year of grad school under some of the oddest circumstances I think they’ve ever dealt with.