The Friday Fives

A look back at the decade

1. Now that the 2010s decade is ending, which trends are the most regrettable?

Those ridiculous electric scooters that plague central downtown. Somone ought to remind their riders that the bus will always win. That and Trumpism. The world is too interconnected and complicated to fall back into isolationism and nationalism and hate.

2. What was the best song of the decade?

Probably anything by ______. (Shit, I’ve got nothing. I don’t listen to a lot of current music.). These guys seem to like this Craig Finn song and after giving it a listen, I could get down with this.

3. What was the best innovation of the decade?

Ubiquitous streaming and 4G technology. Next up, Star Trek transporters.

4. What trend from the decade has made the world better?

We have generally made cancer treatable and in many cases tied to early detection, cureable. Same with HepC, and AIDs. We are living longer and have a higher quality of life than ever before. These are all good things.

5. What was the best thing you read in the last 10 years?

Books 1 and 2 of The Expanse. I highly recommend.