The Friday Fives

1. Any big summertime plans for the remainder of the summer?

Nothing major really.  Perhaps a trip up to Mack this month for a few nights of camping and it looks like a trip to Crested Butte is in the works if I can work out the life/work logistics to make it happen.

2. What’s your idea of the perfect summer day?

A cold beer, a lawn chair, some shade and feet soaking in a baby swimming pool – playing some Gin or perhaps some Pinochle. 

3. How do you beat the summer heat?

See number 5.  I get off the bus, walk the block or two back to the apartment, crank down the heat, toss on some shorts and flip flops and mix up a nice icy G&T. 

4. What’s one thing you always seem to do every summer whether you want to or not?

Take in something up at the Red Rocks Amphitheater. 

5. Do you have air conditioning?

Yes and after a good number of years with it and the majority of my life without it, I will not go back.  I grew with a big old swamp cooler in the living room window and that kept the front of the house nice and cool but didn’t’ translate to my childhood bedroom at the back of the house.  In college at an elevation of 7,000+ feet above sea level, no real need for A?C. In Europe, our dorms had no A/C (but the Air Force squad on our kaserne had A/C. Damn flyboys!)  In my early Denver days, no A/C and it was hot. So hot. So very hot.  A/C is a dream.

One Reply to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1) Continue to study and pass my summer semester.

    2) Shady spot on the beach with a good book a nice breeze a fruity frozen beverage.

    3) A/C is a requirement in Ft. Lauderdale, no seriously it’s a must.

    4) Get a sunburn. I prepare and am crazy about sunscreen but there always seems to be that one time I forget.

    5) Once movie to the gulf coast and now in south Florida I truly don’t think anyone could live comfortably without A/C. I love it and don’t know if I could do without ever again.

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