Posted on March 18, 2005June 2, 2006 by RoyWacky Friday Foto Add your caption to the comments link below.
Bryson discovered that being a martyr was much easier, after he add the wheel to the bottom of his Crucifix.
Bryson discovered that being a martyr was much easier, after he add the wheel to the bottom of his Crucifix.
Ronald was always a slave to fashion. His Cross-Trainers were the envy of the entire 11th grade.
If he were really the Messiah, he wouldn’t need a wheel.
And pulling into the lead in this year’s Jerusalem 500 is Christ.
*My* Saviour wouldn’t need a wussy wheel. He’d just levitate it to Calgary.
hey that’s my cross!
Eddie’s comment *nearly* made me do a spit-take of my coffee.
Jesus, this fucker is heavy!
what did the hippie say when he ‘crossed’ the road?