Friday Fives
1. What movie does everyone seem to love, but you just can’t bring yourself to see
The Stepford Wives. An all star cast and a new script that makes the movie classic a comedy. That is an equation that spells out disaster.
2. Which cartoon or comic book character is your least favorite?
It is perhaps, heresy, but I never really liked Superman. Sure, he has his achilles heel with the green kryptonite and all, but otherwise he is completely invincible. No challenge there. I like the more human superheroes, like Batman and Spider-Man, who must overcome their humanity at times in order to save the world.
Oh, yeah, I hate the Smurfs.
3. Which pop culture phenomenons do you think will officially “jump the shark” this year?
William Hung. In fact, I dare say, he already has already made the jump.
4. What are some popular things that you just don’t get?
Tatoos. I just don’t understand them. Don’t want one, don’t need one and try as I might, I have a hard time finding a lot of beauty in them. Oh well. To each their own.
5. And now — what’s your favorite line from a movie?
“I want more life . . . Fucker!” Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner.
“I got that going for me. Which is nice.” Bill Murray in Caddyshack, on reflecting his tip from the Dali Lama.
And I love most of the classic lines in Casablanca. I love Casablanca. What a great noir film that exceeded all expectations and set so many standards. It is the very definition of the movie cliche’.
1. What movie does everyone seem to love, but you just can’t bring yourself to see? Gandhi. I just don’t have THAT kind of time! (Sorry, Sir Ben!)
2. Which cartoon or comic book character is your least favorite?
My brother collected comics, and I read them on a regular basis (even the sealed ones.. shh). I had a crush on Wolverine from early on, so it is easy to understand why I hated Mariko Yashida. Oh, and I hate ‘new’ Tom & Jerry cartoons. Ugh.
3. Which pop culture phenomenons do you think will officially “jump the shark” this year? Dear GOD I hope it’s Paris Hilton.
4. What are some popular things that you just don’t get? While I get tattooes and really love a good one.. I don’t get the body-stretching piercings. 5″ long earlobes just seem wrong.
5. Favorite line from a movie?
“I have something to say! It’s better to burn out, than fade away!” – The Kurgan, Highlander
“You don’t get to tell me what to do ever again.” – Lester, American Beauty
1. What movie does everyone seem to love, but you just can’t bring yourself to see.
Master and Commander (newly out on DVD). A bunch of swarthy men milling around on a boat for two hours. Uhh, no thanks.
2. Which cartoon or comic book character is your least favorite? I always thought that He-Man was very creepy. Now I’m old enough to know why.
3. Which pop culture phenomenons do you think will officially “jump the shark” this year?
“jump the shark”? I have no idea what that means. Now if you had said, “Hump the shark”……
4. What are some popular things that you just don’t get?
Speed dating. Sort of like musical chairs for morons.
5. And now — what’s your favorite line from a movie?
“K-K-K-Ken is c-c-c-coming to k-k-kill me” (Fish Called Wanda), “If you do not let me decorate this house, I am going to go insane and I will TAKE YOU WITH ME” (Beetlejuice), “First ones here, first ones here” (Vacation).
1. What movie does everyone seem to love, but you just can’t bring yourself to see
Titanic. I swore I’d never see it, and I will simply never allow myself to see it.
2. Which cartoon or comic book character is your least favorite?
Fucking Sally Forth. The most joyless bitch in the world. I want to kick her in the gut. She embodies everything that is wrong with this culture.
3. Which pop culture phenomenons do you think will officially “jump the shark” this year?
Reality TV.
4. What are some popular things that you just don’t get?
Lo-carb beers. Excessive inking/piercing. Pre-emptive botox.
5. And now — what’s your favorite line from a movie?
I don’t know why I love this line so much, I guess it’s just how it’s delivered. When Hannibal Lecter tells Clarise, “I know that they will never let me out of this room while I am alive,” resonates with me. It’s kind of how I feel about my office these days.