Friday Fives
1. How do you take your coco? (marshmallows?) Ice tea (sweet?) your soda
I found a cool “Butterfingers” flavored hot cocoa mix last winter. Peanut butter, toffee, chocolate all in one. And forego marshmallows for cocoa and go for the marshmallow cream. Super yummy. I drink sweet tea. as they say down south, although I cheat. I put ” sweet and low” (the pink stuff) in my tea. I always have, even as a child. I was recently diagnosed with hypertension. High blood pressure. And so I am attempting to limit my caffeine. I am going to start drinking decaf ice tea during the day to see if it will help. It will probably cut my caffeine intake in half. I generally detest diet soda. But Coca-Cola now has a diet variety with lime flavor. Pretty yummy. An ice cold Coke with lime is pretty damn good.
2. What is your favorite television commercial (past or
I loved the old Oscar Mayer commercials with some super cute kid singing the B-O-L-O-G-N-A song. Mason Reese, that was his name. I am a bit frightened that I remember that. And it isn’t more than just a coincidence, but I also enjoy the new Nextel commercials. The one with the emus running amok in Manhattan is my favorite, since my mom and Jim have a few emus at the ranch.
3. When was the last time you laughed so hard you had to
With this new blood pressure medicine, peeing is what I do best now. Pee, pee, pee, pee. But the last time I laughed so hard I had to pee was Monday evening. Mike Meyers was the guest on “Inside the Actors Studio.” It was a repeat of a special two hour interview and Meyers stole the show. He was so fricking funny, I literally had to run to the little boys room after the laughter. If you ever get a chance to watch it, do.
4. Dishes or trash? Fold or send out? Mow or vacume?
I do the dishes and leave the trash for my sister. I should send my shirts out. For laundry, if it can’t get hung up on a hanger in the closet, it stays in the laundry baskets. (one for skivvies, one for soxs. ) If I had a yard, I would be the one charged with the mowing. I am an excellent lawn mower. Fancy designs etched into the turf. Truly a work of art when all is said and done.
5. Diet Dr. Pepper or Red Bull?
Red Bull and vodka. Diet Dr. Pepper is good, but not really considered a staple. And frankly, what can be mixed with Dr. Pepper at the end of the day. Nothing.
1. How do you take your coco? I love to put fat-free cocoa in with my coffee every morning. A mocha-to-go of sorts.
2. What is your favorite television commercial (past or
I like the emu commercial too. And the Bud Light commercials. I’m a sucker for abject silliness.
3. When was the last time you laughed so hard you had to
I’m sure it was when I was around “you people”….
4. Dishes or trash? Fold or send out? Mow or vacume?
Reid and I need a wife…any applicants?
5. Diet Dr. Pepper or Red Bull?
I agree with Roy…Red Bull & vodka. Dr. Pepper is just gross, diet or not.
1. How do you take your coco? (marshmallows?) Ice tea (sweet?) your soda(diet?) I like my cocoa to be hot, not scalding – at least 20 marshmallows. I prefer my iced tea straight, no lemon. Diet soda? I take it with crappy bourbon, thanks.
2. What is your favorite television commercial (past or present). I love the Zyrtec commercial with “Baxter” the Boston Terrier. And the Friskies (or similar shitty cat food) ad with the little kitty hunting zebras on the Sahara.
3. When was the last time you laughed so hard you had to pee? I agree with Jenn. It was undoubtedly around ‘you people’.
4. Dishes or trash? Fold or send out? Mow or vacume? Is this a ‘druthers’ or ‘dread’ question? I like dishes over trash, thanks to Kenmore. I treat laundry like a Zen activity, but we’re not afraid to dry clean when necessary. Since a mower would be moot, I’d say vacuuming wins by default.
5. I’ve never had Red Bull and vodka.. but I’m sure I’d prefer it over straight diet Dr. Pooper.
I agree about the Nextel commercials. I may just be a company hack, but our commercials are great. I think the best recent one was the Antennalope. the premise was to develope coverage in rural areas, Nextel break Antelope with cellular antennas integrated with their beautiful rack horns. Here is the link, There is an excellent screen shot here.
Longtime listener, first time caller:
1. How do you take your cocoa/iced tea/soda?
Pretty much avoid all three of them. I do like fizzy german water though.
2. What is your favorite television commercial (past or
Right now, I’m a sucker for those MasterCard commercials featuring Badger the wayward dawg. He’s s’lost!
3. When was the last time you laughed so hard you had to
Probably on Derby Day at some point. (At least that explains my incontinence).
4. Dishes or trash? Fold or send out? Mow or vacume?
Dishes and trash. Fold and send out. Vacuum–but no mowing (the city does that for me).
5. Diet Dr. Pepper or Red Bull?
Are these my only choices? I’d pick the Diet Dr. Pepper, I guess. Red Bull tastes like. . . . .some syrup you’d buy on Federal.
1.1. How do you take your coco? (marshmallows?) Ice tea (sweet?) your soda(diet?) You know how I like my marshmallows. My iced tea straight like my men. And soda needs to have all the sugar it was meant to have (Jolt was a brilliant idea).
2. 2. What is your favorite television commercial (past or present). I still think the “where’s the beef?’ Wendy’s commercials were inspired.
3. 3. When was the last time you laughed so hard you had to
Ditto, Snowball and Bug.
4. Dishes or trash? Fold or send out? Mow or vacume? Is this a ‘druthers’ or ‘dread’ question?
Trash, Mow, Fold (I may not like to do it, but boy am I cheap).
5. Diet Dr. Pepper or Red Bull?
It has to be the Red Bull. I find any form of Dr. Pepper, Mr. Pibb, etc. to be completely disgusting and I’m not having any of it.
Wow, what a turn out. The pressure is on for next week’s quizzling.