Friday Fives

Friday Fives

When was the last time you…

1. …sent a handwritten letter?
It has been a long time, probably three or four years.

2. …baked something from scratch or made something by hand?
I bake bread quite often and make an amazing French baguette. It is on the list of things to do this weekend as a matter of fact. The last time was probably about three months ago, however.

3. …camped in a tent?
It has been years, although I take a trip with some college friends each year and instead of a tent, I generally sleep under the stars. The last trip, I slept on the trampoline deck of a catamaran.

4. …volunteered your time to church, school, or community?
This week’s questions have driven home the fact that I am a selfish bastard. Okay! You have made your point. I should do more for other people. Now get off my back.

5. …helped a stranger?
I try to always help the little old ladies in the grocery store reach for stuff. About two weeks ago I gave a lady a jump start in the parking lot of the grocery store.

via Friday Fives.

3 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. When was the last time you…

    1. …sent a handwritten letter? If Christmas cards count, then just a few months ago. If not, I’m ashamed to think of how long it’s been.

    2. …baked something from scratch or made something by hand? I bake homemade peanut butter cookies and chocolate chip cookies at least once a month.

    3. …camped in a tent? Summer of 1995.

    4. …volunteered your time to church, school, or community? Does flashing the local college basketball team’s bus count? Because, if so…

    5. …helped a stranger? Today at the hospital. It’s what I do.

  2. 1. …sent a handwritten letter?
    I think maybe a year? I sent a hand-written note along with a book to Joy Barrett.

    2. …baked something from scratch or made something by hand?
    I baked a frittata about a week ago (I rarely do sweet stuff)

    3. …camped in a tent? It’s been way too long…probably about 6 years, camping & fishing outside of Buena Vista

    4. …volunteered your time to church, school, or community?
    I talk about volunteering a lot, but am a lame so & so and haven’t worked it out yet

    5. …helped a stranger?
    I helped a lady into the building that had fallen and cut herself outside on the sidewalk (although I probably could have & should have done more). You’re right, Roy, these questions are making me feel like I should bake things and give them to strangers at my local church or write letters to lost campers.

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