1. What is something bartenders do that pisses you off?
They continue to ID me ! Gray hair, gray beard and tired eyes – what do these 20 year olds know about life.
Talk about aging – there is a new pilot/series starring Jeffrey Tambor of Arrested Development fame in which he plays a divorced father and retired guy who is making the transition in a transgendered life to a woman. There is a line in the first episode where he is dressed as a woman but carded at the grocery store and his id indicates he is male. His telling of the humiliating incident is transendent. I am such a fan. He was fantastic in “Law and Order” as Pacino’s law partner. He owned the character of Hank Kingsley on the “Larry Saunder’s Show as well as his iconic performances on Arrested Development. Go find this show – “Transparent” on Amazon Prime.
2. Hey Denver, what is a good new beer we should know about?
It is so hard to keep up. I am pretty certain that Pete’s Kitchen and Starbucks are coming out with a seasonal ale. In Grantland they have declared Schlitz the best American beer – and why not. With so many beers out there, why not go old school. At the Avenue Grill they serve Olypmpia in double shots as a beer back with their Bloody Mary’s (Which I highly recommend.)
That said I am keen of late of an old stand by – Titan by Great Divide Brewery.
3. What’s the best non-alcoholic thing you can take to a party?
My own damn self – I am a hoot. If you can’t have me:
Garlic roasted Brussels Sprouts :
Take about about a pound or so of BS from the produce section at the grocery store.
Trim them and cut in half and place in a zip loc bag with enough salt, pepper, and olive oil to coat. Add about four cloves of finely minced garlic and if you are adventurous toss in some Sriracha sauce to taste. Toss and
roast cut side up in a 400 degree oven for about 40 minutes and voila – sprouts snacks. They will be gone in minutes.
4. What is the most expensive alcoholic drink you have ever consumed?/strong>
I am sure that in my Denver years, Ed and I have had some expensive shit. I am gonna guess some unauthorized shots from Dad Nelson’s Scotch collection in the magical basement closet of booze. Either there or at Rock Bottom with some expensive and obscure European Pilsner they fed us at one point but we were too drunk and now too old to remember.
5. All those party’s in college. Would you do it all again?
Sure. Well, on second thought there are some redux on the dice I would roll again. First try at college in Boulder, no. I want to keep the friends but perhaps spend a bit more time on my studies. Second time around, at the age 23, I was a seasoned professional and no need to do it all again – by that time I had mastered it. I sometimes want some of my 30s back however, because rumor has it those were so good times.
All in all, I am ok now. But how in the hell did I survive my 30s. (And in fact we all know I barely did. )
1)They never bring me mac n cheese on my sofa at home.
2)Umm the free kind if you can find it.
3)Rice Krispie treats
4)A girl I once dated way back in the day worked at The Diamond Cabaret and brought me a $500 dollar shot of scotch. I didn’t like it.
5)If I could retain the knowledge that I have now I would totally redo it and do it differently.
1. Serving pretty girls first. I just want to scream at the bartender, “She’s not going sleep with you or tip you well, so you’d be better off serving me!”
2. Flemish Kiss from Commons Brewery in Oregon. I think you all know that I shy away from my Belgian childhood, but this beer really brings back the bittersweet moments of youth. I recall dunking stale waffles in father’s flat beer as my breakfast, whilst waiting for the school oxcart to fetch me to kindergarten.
3. Flowers. You really can’t go wrong with flowers.
4. I actually don’t know, but I’m guessing it came out of Adam’s cellar back in the day.
5. Maybe? I’d definitely do it differently. The, the focus was on getting as blotto as possible for as long as possible. Now, I’d focus on the social aspects.