Are We Missing Something Here?

While the rest of the media tut tuts the New York Times over the Jason Blair non story story, there is some real news that is going unreported. The very fact that Weapons of Mass Destruction (the official reason we went to war in Iraq) can’t be found and the intelligence gathered to make the decision doesn’t exist either may make the Bush arguments and testimonies before Congress, the American people and the world an impeachable offense. Many folks are starting to say so out loud. Nothing will come of it before the 2004 election in November (Congress will cover its own ass before it decides to act on a Constitutional crisis), but it could work to cripple a second term for Bush were he to be re-elected.

Former White House Counsel to Nixon, John Dean, seems to think a case can be made against the current White House administration for impeachment, if no Weapons of Mass Destruction turn up in Iraq.

Bush watcher Paul Krugman seems to think a case for impeachment could be made, but won’t because the media and the public don’t care.

Salon, with its customary flair, has a few articles on the spin doctoring of WMD and how the Bush regime could topple over the issue if the truth ever gets out.

And a search under Google News directory shows that the concern is growing as more and more alternative press stories turn up the heat on this issue.