The Friday Fives

1. Link to your local news source: The Denver

2. Link to your favorite dessert:Raspberry Cheesecake

3. Link to a band that you despise: The Doors

4. Link us to a good book: Lolita My current read.

5. Link to your favorite Muppet frog: Kermit

Although I’ve never been to New Orleans, watching the news has effected me greatly. This week’s FridayFiver has been hijacked in an effort to ask you all to think about what you have and what you may be able to give. The following list comes from CNN:

Network for Good

Red Cross

Feed the Children

Salvation Army

Florida Hurricane Relief Fund

America’s Second Harvest

Catholic Charities USA

Next week? Return of the funny. I promise.

Via Friday Fiver.

Wacky Friday Foto

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Friday Fives

1. What if any instrument do you play?
I can play the saxophone and took organ lessons as a child, but I haven’t played an instrument for years. I am trying to learn the guitar, but I am not very focused at it.

2. If you could choose to play an instrument what would it be?
Acoustic steel blues guitar. I wanna be a bluesman.

3. If you were in a band, what would your band’s name be?
I was never good at this sort of thing. The master fo fun band names was Dave Berry. However, running through this I came up with Eric Cartman’s Sagittarius – a great band name.

4. What type of music would your band play?
Blues renditions and covers of 1980s new wave songs. I can hear them in my head and they rock. Now, to just figure out how to get them out of my head and on to disc.

5. Would you continue to be good for years to come, or would you and your band end up in Branson playing for bus loads of elderly?
The act described above is pure Branson material.

Wacky Friday Foto

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Friday Fives

1. Flu season is around the corner. How do you handle the seasonal head cold?
Zicam usually. And I supplement with a preemptive Tylenol and a saline nasal spray. I generally don’t too run down with a cold, but I have had a few multi-day bed rests in the past. Hopefully this year will be better. I am a firm believer in the flu shot and will take one again this year.

2. Apirin? Tylenol? Motrin? Which side of the line are you on?
Tylenol Liquid Gel Caps work great for me – like a little pain relieving manna from health care heaven.

3. What was your favorite meal served at your elementary school?
Homemade hamburgers featured homemade buns. There was something about their taste – real home cooking, like grandma made. Wait a minute, grandma did make them. Ahhh, the sweet joy of a small town.

4. One preseason game is out of the way. Do the Broncos stand a chance this year?
I honestly don’t pay any attention to preseason. One of my employees lent me a football season preview magazine, but it sits on my desk unread. I have no idea what the team’s chances are. But the sports writers all seem united on the prospect that Tatum Bell is going to have a great season at running back, which is good news.

5. What does your mom do to make you cry?
When she talks lovingly and honestly about my father and he life since his passing. (Go ahead kids, try and top that.)

The Friday Fives

1. Do you exercise on a regular basis?
I am trying. My new goal is not so much to exericise but to no longer practice my “Epic” sedentary life. It is about small little steps and ensuring every day I get out and move. In the process I am exercising and getting in shape, I suppose. My problem with exercise is that I hate sweating and getting hot and muggy. I haven’t found a decent gym located in the dairy cooler of a grocery store yet, so the short answer is get over youself and just get outside and do it. Damn, I hate Nike.

2. Name one person that raises your blood pressure:
I can get very angry and fired up, red in the face and sweat pouring from brow when I talk about Bush or other supreme practitioners of injustice. His distant gaze and smile and “Chauncey Gardner” patina makes me mad.

3. You need to go up two floors in a building: do you use the stairs or the elevator?
I very nearly always take the stairs. I don’t want to be “that guy.” At work, we have two floors and an elevator to connect them along with two sets of stairs. I can count the times I have used the elevator on one hand in the six years I have been in that building.

4. Have you ever participated in an “Extreme” sport?
I jumped out of an airplane once in the Army. And I went bungy jumping for a new story in Crested Butte. Neither are extreme, per se, as there were many, many, many safety features involved. But for me, that is extreme enough.

5. Imagine that you have the opportunity to become a foreign correspondent for a week. Where would you want to report from, and what types of stories would you be interested in doing? (In honor of Peter Jennings.)

Darfur – and I want to bring some attention to the death, killing and slaughter in Northern Africa.

Peter Jennings Dead

(click on Peter for special surprise.)

I always liked this guy, Jennings. He had a wry sense of humor, probably part of the Canadian in him. And he seemed, compared to his network peers of Brockaw and Rather, to be more sincere, more honest and more of a real journalist.
I read somewhere recently, and I don’t recall where, one family compared him to the Cronkite of our generation. ABC News and Peter Jennings with his Canadian accent and sense of irony and optimism, was always the channel they tuned to whenever anything big happened.
Me too. I remember sitting in the Holguin’s basement in the days after 9/11 and listening to Peter tell me about this new world we are living in. His was the voice of compassion and reason in a world that needed it the most. In a recent interview he said lately, the thing he was most proud of is that he never covered the Lacey Peterson affair. No so much as a mention on ABC World News Tonight. Folks can get that kind of news somewhere else was his take on it.

I began missing him in April, when he he announced his battle with lung cancer. And I miss him today.

If you need another reason to quit smoking, think of this: Jennings smoked for many, many years, but 20 years, I repeat, 20 years ago, he quit smoking.

Off and on for the last six or seven years he was having some real health problems and in April it was finally determined that the issue was cancer – a little over four months from his diagnosis to to his death. And cancer is not an easy or a painless way to go. It is grueling, it is senseless and it shows no mercy.
Take my point – he quit smoking 20 years ago and the disease was still growing, festering and mestatizing in his lungs, waiting to break out and take his life.
Stop smoking. Now. Don’t wait another day.