Friday Fives

1. The NFL season begins tonight. Do you follow football? If so, when did you start to follow the game?
I have absent mindfully followed football since a young boy. I remember going deer hunting with my dad and listening to Bronco games on AM radio in my early 8s and 9 years. I started really following it college when one of my roommates (Mr. Hunt) was a super sports fan and super Broncos fan and he explained many of the intricacies of the game.

2. Why do NFL teams get the title of ‘world champions’ when no other nationality competes?

3. If Americans started calling soccer “football” like the rest of the world, what would be a good name to replace American football.
Smash ball

4. In 10 words or less, explain American football to a foreigner.
Encapsulation of the American Spirit of try and try again

5. You can remove one rule from the NFL. What is it and what does it do to the game?
Video challenges of referee calls. It would speed up the game immensely.

3 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1. I began following the game when I was 7 or 8. I continue to follow it and remain intrigued by its complex rule sets and violence. It’s uniquely American in so many ways.

    2. Hmmm. . . . are Americans prone to self-aggrandizing? Yeah. I think that’s it.

    3. Football.

    4. Violently attempt to exploit opponent’s weaknesses. With many complex rules. (So it’s 11 words. Sue me.)

    5. The draconian rules surrounding player attire.

  2. 1) Don’t follow don’t really care. Hockey is coming!

    2) Overinflated sense of self worth.

    3) Head injury game.

    4) Put yourself at risk of mental retardation and total physical destruction for the possibility of making enough to cover you legal and medical fees.

    5) all rules! Make a true gladiator event that way the owners can truly get what the “equipment” is worth out of them, and when they are broken beyond repair no one can say they didn’t get venough out of them.

  3. 1) Don’t follow don’t really care. Hockey is coming!

    2) Overinflated sense of self worth.

    3) Head injury game.

    4) Put yourself at risk of mental retardation and total physical destruction for the possibility of making enough to cover you legal and medical fees.

    5) all rules! Make a true gladiator event that way the owners can truly get what the “equipment” is worth out of them, and when they are broken beyond repair no one can say they didn’t get venough out of them.

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