Friday Fives

1. They say the best things in life are the little things, what are some of those things?
A patch of raspberries growing in the back yard. Now, if I just had a back yard.

2. When did you realize you were getting old?
I think the heart attack would qualify. Even though I was a young man of 44.

3. What did you learn about a friend when they were drunk?
I don’t kiss and tell. Bar talk is bar talk and I ain’t gonna reveal those things – if violates the sanctity of a good old fashioned drink with a friend.

4. What things do you do every day that you wish were automated?
Tooth brushing and my saline nasal rinse (I use boiled water that has cooled in a kettle and then reheat it in the microwave. Like most people, there isn’t a microwave in the bathroom, so I go to the kitchen, nuke the water bottle for about 33 seconds and then traipse back to the bathroom, rinse one side of the nose then back to the kitchen for part II. To automate this, perhaps some disposable, self-heating nasal washes can be crafted.l

5. What was your “holy shit this is actually happening” moment?

3 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1) Going to movie and the theater is almost empty. Bringing enough cloths grocery bags to the store, so I don’t use any plastic. Sleeping eight hours straight.

    2) Aches and pains are a daily deal. Stiff neck, not losing weight like I use too. Enjoying cooking.

    3) That, apparently, chocolate is not a good thing to give these two specific drunk people. Unless vomiting is desired. But personal stuff stays in the glass.

    4) Well meal prep, although I like it, would be nice to just have a replicator from Start Trek and the meal limits would only be limited to my vocabulary and Google.

    5) Certainly Trump. Joe the Great getting cancer. But on a positive note, I remember the first time I got offered a job with a large salary. I actually went into the nearest men’s room and muffled my “HOLY SHIT” yells.

  2. 1) Going to movie and the theater is almost empty. Bringing enough cloths grocery bags to the store, so I don’t use any plastic. Sleeping eight hours straight.

    2) Aches and pains are a daily deal. Stiff neck, not losing weight like I use too. Enjoying cooking.

    3) That, apparently, chocolate is not a good thing to give these two specific drunk people. Unless vomiting is desired. But personal stuff stays in the glass.

    4) Well meal prep, although I like it, would be nice to just have a replicator from Start Trek and the meal limits would only be limited to my vocabulary and Google.

    5) Certainly Trump. Joe the Great getting cancer. But on a positive note, I remember the first time I got offered a job with a large salary. I actually went into the nearest men’s room and muffled my “HOLY S*%$” yells.

  3. 1) Being awake before everyone else. Having those moments to myself.

    2) When I was younger and would get whacked playing hockey if it bruised at all it would be gone in less than a week. Well I got hit with a puck and that sunuva bitch bruised and took like a month to go away. Yup I’m getting older.

    3) The repeat stories are best just to go along with. If you point out that they are telling the same story again they flip into super mopey drunk.

    4) brushing my teeth and pooping. Not at the same time and dear god hopefully not the same automation.

    5) Trump and my recent move are the two most recent.

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