Friday Fives

roaring-twenties-title-still-624x4681. Have you found anything at your parent’s house that has disturbed you?
I knew where my dad kept his stacks of Playboys and Penthouse magazines but that wasn’t really disturbing for a 12 year old tween. I caught them making whoopie once. I stormed into their bedroom and they were on the bed. Thankfully I never really saw anything and the next day there was a lock on the door.

2. What should every teenager know before they hit their 20s?
How to buy a home and manage a banking account. And how to make a good breakfast.

3. What is something a 40 year old should have already learned?
How to buy a home and manage a banking account. And how to make a proper gin and tonic.

4. What’s the most stereotypical thing about you?
I am clumsy left hander and a text book Gemini.

5. What is a job most people would be surprised exists?
Seafaring telegraphers using morse code to communicate at sea. (Very few still remain employed.)

2 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1) Documents that clearly incriminated them in Area 51.

    2) Use a goddamn condom punk!

    3) Use a goddamn condom stupid old man.

    4) I am a man, I fart.

    5) Guys who sit at light rail crossings, just in case.

  2. 1) They had a Vegan cook book once.

    2) How to write an actually useful resume.

    3) How to balance a checkbook.

    4) I am an enigma.

    5) Bus stop cleaner.

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