Friday Fives

1. What was your “why didn’t I start doing this sooner” moment?
Using a credit card. For years and years I was a cash only kind of guy and didn’t trust myself but in the last couple of years I have been using a CC for small purchases and to ease monthly cash flow and juggle billing due dates. It has helped a lot and my credit score has soured and I keep the balances quite low.

2. What is something you do that you’ve always wondered if others do it too?
Hmmm. What is a Roy Lifehack? I use Evernote for everything. I store a pdf of all my manuals there. I store lots of recipes there. I have most of my personal records, encrypted and loaded there. I couldn’t live without it.

3. What word can you never type correctly on the first try?
“The” It usually comes out as “Teh” on the first try.

4. What’s your favorite quote that changed the way you face life?
Play it fuckin’ loud!” ? Bob Dylan

5. What are you obsessed with right now?
I am trying to learn to code and program and I am obsessed with it and doing things on the command line. It is eating up a lot of my time.

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