Friday Fives

1. What game have you spent the most hours playing?
Probably Suduko on my tablet. I can play for hours. And I am actually pretty good at it.

2. What is the most obscure/forgotten game from your youth that deserves more attention?
I recently recovered this gem is a recent move: Split Second, an early handheld video game that was absolutely great and part of a warm Christmas morning memory.

3. Without actually naming a game, what is your favorite game?
Two card decks, with limited cards, double up and then played in a fashion similar to spades. (Pinochle)

4. You are killed and Death lets you choose a game to challenge him at for another chance at life. What game do you choose?
Back to Suduko played on my tabled. On the “Hard” level, my record is 93 seconds. Take that Death!

5. What video game are you the most nostalgic about?
Atari’s Missile Command.