Friday Fives

1. The last thing you posted on Facebook is the first thing you must say in a speech in the UN, how screwed are you?
Probably ok. I don’t post to “The Book” very often but the last thing I posted was a clip of a speech by Justin Trudeau addressing the UN.

2. What is a classic “old person name”?
Well, “Roy” is a classic old person’s name that I am stuck going through life with. My grandpa’s first name was Merl. That is also a classic old person’s name.

3. What trait do you most resent your parents for passing onto you?
I am not the most aggressive, competitive fellow, like both of my parents.

4. What is the prettiest word in a foreign language?

5. The zombie apocalypse is breaking out and the only thing you have to defend yourself with is the last thing you purchased. What are you using to defend yourself?
A box of generic saline nasal rinse packets. Maybe it will take them down much like salt on a slug.

Friday Fives

1. If there could be a sequel to any movie which doesn’t have one, what would you choose?
“Out of Africa” Watch as Meyrl fights her way back to the savannah.

2. Which TV Show or Movie’s title totally contradicts with its plot?
“Everybody Loves Raymond” No, I don’t think so – he was always in trouble.

3. What’s the laziest and most over-used sitcom trope?
Lono pretty much pegged this but I will try. Most every sitcom uses “The Little Lie” to develop the plot around not getting caught and trying to evade/elude.

4. Every movie is re-named to be as obvious as “Snakes on a Plane”. What are the best alterations?
Indiana Jones and Snakes and Nazis.

5. From start to finish, what’s the best binge-able TV series?
Currently, I am pretty fixated with “Longmire” on Netflix and will suggest a great oldie but good – “Star Trek Voyager” for binging – shows flow really well into each other.

Friday Fives

1. How many pets have you had at one time?
Two, a cat and a dog. Never more than that. That is in fact handful. I am always amazed at folks with lots and lots of pets and they usually have to have a huge house and yard and tend to live in a more rural area with lots of room. That ain’t me.

2. What is the strangest pet you have ever had?
Well, my old dog Whiskey was weird. But, in terms of different breeds, I am pretty vanilla. Cats and dogs, that’s about it.

3. What is the coolest trick you have ever taught a pet?
We taught Bruno to park when we asked him if Timmy was caught in the well. And Whiskey was trained to howl at the moon when the Broncos scored a touchdown.

4. Real animals: What animal have you always wanted as a pet?
Either one of those super cute pot belly pigs or a lemur. I mean, really, haven’t you always wanted a monkey.

5. Imaginary animals: Describe the ideal pet, an animal that doesn’t really exist.
A miniature giraffe. There used to commercial for Direct TV I think and this guy had a miniature giraffe CGI’d on the screen and I have coveted one ever since.

Friday Fives

1. What movie is so poorly made that it becomes funny?
It may be cliche but that is perhaps because it is so true – Manos Hands of Fate. I watched this on MST3K and then stumbled upon it somewhere on the Roku box. This is an incredibly amateurish film that is absolutely terrible and delightful in its naivete.

2. What movie made you cry so much that you could never even bear to watch it again?
“Love Story” I watched it as a 20+ and I cried just about every time Ally McGraw spokes.

3. What movie becomes more interesting if you add “from behind” to the title?
“Hunt For Red October – From Behind”

4. What do you think when you hear ‘Belgium’?
Pancakes. (Isn’t Belgium a province as part of the new nation of BeNeLux?

5. What movie is so perfect you do not fuck with?
Casablanca. Written on the fly, scripts were literally pulled out of the typewriter and handed to the cast and director – and it is perfection.