Friday Fives


1. Do you think Bob Dylan deserves the Nobel Prize?
Absolutely. I am all for it. He is weird and wonderful and changed the whole role of lyrics in music. Take a moment and read his song lyrics at his website – thats some sweet melodius joy that comes from his mind to his pen to his lips to our ears.

2. Do you have a favorite Bob Dylan song?
From Time Out of Mind: “Trying To Get To Heaven”

3. How would you describe Dylan to someone who is unfamiliar?
He is the eyes and ears of our soul and bridge between pop, soul and folk music – For Christ sake he invented modern Rock and Roll.

4. Who else deserves the Nobel Prize in Literature?
Don Delillo – the Dylan of the printed narrative. Go read White Noise, go read Libra.

5. What performance artist stands a chance of also winning the Nobel Prize?
Well, if you come to this page for any amount of time, you know I am going to nominate Springsteen, the New Jersey street poet.