Friday Fives

1. What was your “why didn’t I start doing this sooner” moment?
Using a credit card. For years and years I was a cash only kind of guy and didn’t trust myself but in the last couple of years I have been using a CC for small purchases and to ease monthly cash flow and juggle billing due dates. It has helped a lot and my credit score has soured and I keep the balances quite low.

2. What is something you do that you’ve always wondered if others do it too?
Hmmm. What is a Roy Lifehack? I use Evernote for everything. I store a pdf of all my manuals there. I store lots of recipes there. I have most of my personal records, encrypted and loaded there. I couldn’t live without it.

3. What word can you never type correctly on the first try?
“The” It usually comes out as “Teh” on the first try.

4. What’s your favorite quote that changed the way you face life?
Play it fuckin’ loud!” ? Bob Dylan

5. What are you obsessed with right now?
I am trying to learn to code and program and I am obsessed with it and doing things on the command line. It is eating up a lot of my time.

Friday Fives


1. Would you ever go “under the knife” (or laser, or dental pick) for cosmetic purposes? What and why, and would it really be worth it?
No, going to stay cosmetically improvement free.

2. Describe your dream home, including location, design, and who/what’s in there with you.
A nice cottage on a mountain side near Lake City, CO with a great view of Lake San Crystobal. And I will not vote for Donald Trump.

3. You have one month to travel the world, all expenses paid. Where do you go and what do you do once you arrive?
Berlin. I lived in Germany in the 1980s but my military role wouldn’t allow me to go to Berlin. And I will not vote for Donald Trump.

4. What scares the bloody heck out of you? Would you face it down if someone paid you? What’s your price?
A Donald Trump presidency. And I will not vote for Donald Trump.

5. You’re stranded on an island. What five simple items do you have with you? How do you survive?
My complete Vonnegut/Twain collection, my Leatherman knife, a magnifying glass and my hammock. And I will not vote for Donald Trump.

The Friday Fives


1. What do you personally believe happens after you die?
For all of us this is a guess, but for me, I will go down the conveyor belt into the crematorium and end up as dust in an urn or someone else to determine what to do with me.

2. You are given insight in to how you die. What kills you and how does it do so?
A violent coughing hack. I say this all the time. I have a very clumsy uvula at the back of my mouth and out of the blue it will become entangled with itself and cause me to choke and cough.

3. What was actually better “back then” and isn’t just nostalgia?
Candy bar and soda. None of that high fructose syrup stuff and for candy bars they used to be actually a little bit bigger.

4. What has actually gotten BETTER over time?
Coffee and maybe even food culture in general. I have a couple of crappy cookbooks from thee 60s and 70s and the crap they are trying to get folks to cook is astounding. What was deal with Jello molds and gelatin salads stuffed with cabbage and fruitastic blood sugar alert concoctions being presented as a salad instead a desert?

5. What is your best money saving tip?
Get the cremation (see number one above.) It is cheaper than the tin box and a cemetary plot.

Stupid comics and the silver and golden age of comics archives


Don’t let the cover above fool you. The links below are full off crazy old comic books, the ones that will never get a reboot on the silver screen or a show on the CW. This is close to but perhaps inferior to the Comics Curmudgeon, but in the same vein.

What gold have you found? Details in the comments section are welcome.

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    Download Over 22,000 Golden & Silver Age Comic Books from the Comic Book Plus Archive

    Friday Fives

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    1. What do you want to NOT know how it is made?
    They say you don’t want to know how sausage is made, but I have a deeper issue. Let me eat the sushi, just don’t tell me anything about. Pizza maybe the food I can eat everyday but I do love me some sushi and if I learn about the fishing practices and everything about how it gets to my table I may be dismayed. I have given up cows and birds and pigs and venison and lambs and most meat but I can’t let go of fish. Don’t break the illusion.

    2. What place in time do you NOT want to relive again?
    Fourth grade. Holy crap I was miserable. My teacher – Jesus! I would not be surprised if she turned out to be a serial killer. She was vicious. Physically and mentally vicious. I witnessed her beating students and according to her I was retarded. Her words, not mine.

    3. Do you have a time when you did NOT understand what was going on?
    Most conversations with my friends and peers.

    4. What is something that everybody has done but you have NOT done?
    From what I read in the papers, everyone is carrying around a gun and shooting people when they are mad. I haven’t done that (I rarely loose my temper and I don’t have a gun. ) But is seems everyone is doing this.

    5. Besides the most obvious, what do you NOT want to smell like?
    Patchouli oil. That’s some deep hippy shit. I spent time in Boulder and Steamboat and Crested Butte. That smell means some crazy hippy shit is about to go down.