The Friday Fives

1. What would be the worst Buzzfeed list

“15 ways to make your Nazi concentration camp death showers more efficient.”

2. What is one thing that Amazon absolutely should sell?

George Jetson’s flying car

3. What is the weirdest thing you have found for sale on line?

A full size reproduction civil war cannon

4. What’s the worst thing about the Nextdoor website ?

The passive racism. I live in Southeast Denver where all the money is and some of these homeowners are just down right racist Trumpist pigs.

5. Hit the random button on Wikipedia and what comes up?

Cool – Flanders!

The Friday Fives

1. What is the most disturbing thing you’ve heard said casually?

There was this click of folks running around together working in the fraud department where I worked. They were involved in a sex club/cult, and the unfiltered stories they told were quite disturbing. I am not a prude, but their stories usually leave my mouth agape.

2. You go to bed like normal, but when you wake up you’re in a hospital 200 years later, and you haven’t physically aged a day. What’s the first thing you ask?

Did the Broncos win.?

3. What TV show never gets old to you?

I still tune into Friends reruns and the Star Trek franchise.

4. What is the worst movie you have ever seen?

Leviathan is a really bad knockoff of The Abyss. There are many others, certainly, but I walked out of the theater on this one. So Bad

5. What movie would never be made nowadays?

Blazing Saddles

The Friday Fives

1. What’s an innocuous word that sounds ridiculously sexual?

Well I go with the obvious one: MOIST.

2. What is your best weight loss tip?

Trulicity. Just one shot a week and you forget to even eat much less eat less.

3. What was younger you hilariously wrong about, like completely missed the mark on that one?

I was on my 30s when I realized that Holland and The Netherlands were the same country (And I lived in Germany for a bit so I should have known better.)

4. What is a ‘strange’ food from your culture that outsiders often find bizarre, but you think everyone should try at least once?

I grew up living in a border city next to the foreign land of Utah and we always seemed to have at any gathering of food, family and friends some sort of Jello salad – a stple in the Utah culture that bled into to Craig due to the Mormon population. ( I still kind of have an affinity for Peach Jello with spiced peaches and cottage cheese as a side dish.)

5. What is the most extreme temperature you have experienced?

32 degrees below zero – with wind and snow. Craig is one fucking cold place.

The Friday Fives

1. What is the worst situation to sneeze in?

Giving a State Of The Union Address

2. Who is your guilty celebrity crush?

Currently, it is Richard Ayoede. He is hilarious.

3. What is the most ridiculous lie you’ve ever heard?

“It was a perfect call!” Donald Trump

4. If you could take any TV show character and put them in a zombie apocalypse show, who would it be?

Rob Petrie from the Dick Van Dyke show

5. What are the hobbies that is a immediate red flag?

Ammo reloading in the basement

The Friday Fives

1. What is your favorite smell?

The Cherry Blend pipe tobacco that my dad used to smoke. I have found a few candles with this smell and I always snap those up at the store when I find them.

2. What is your catchphrase?

Probably “Living The Dream”, spoken with a smidge of sarcasm. I have caught myself saying it a lot and an employee once gave me a key chain fob that has the phrase emblazoned on it.

3. What is the movie/TV show that you totally love but nobody else around you seems to know/like it?

On The Acorn streaming service, I am quite fond of “The Detectorists” a slow comedy about two blokes who scour the countryside with their metal detectors looking for old English war relics.

4. What is a hobby you’ve picked up recently and why did you start it?

I started studying French with the DuoLingo app. I took French for two semesters in college but have forgotten most of it. It is pretty fun.

5. What is something wonderful that happened to you today?

My cold is getting much much better. I was knocked on my ass this week with an ear infection.

Also, my car got stolen but that is not the question – I think I just needed to say that out loud.